26 November 2011

I Promise!!!

I will be back with new thoughts and stuff! Just been busy with the holiday's and shopping and life!

08 November 2011

Election Night 2011

Lizzy Muransky: "It's been a good night!! Maybe American's are waking up to reality after all!"

The above was posted on that FB page..yay me!
It really takes so little to make me clap! Anyhoo....tonight's been a good night politically for the good ol' US of A! Now I'm a Liberal, I was raised a Liberal *yes, with a capitol L* by my grandfather and I am raising my son Liberal. He may actually be more Liberal than me...anyhow tonight 3 big bills were voted down. The biggest for me was in Mississippi where the conservatives were trying to say life begins at fertilization and was trying to put a "personhood" bill through, completely taking away a woman's choice to not only do what she sees fit for herself but would also severely limit birth control and make it hard for women to be artificially inseminated in order to become mothers. Now I was worried most about this I'll admit because I'm a woman and I believe when something this vile is made law in one state it is just a matter of time before it takes over the country. There are men (read republican) who believe abortion should be made a criminal offense and not just illegal, even in the case of a young girl having been raped and resulting in a most unwanted pregnancy and where it endangers a woman's life, and I'm always left wondering WHO THE FUCK gave them a right to have an opinion on this at all? Have they suddenly grown a uterus and nobody told me? It's hilarious that conservatives are so PRO LIFE when it comes to an unborn fetus but once that fetus is out in the world, a breathing child, if they're not rich they want nothing to do with that child anymore. They don't want to make sure it's fed, clothed, sheltered or educated. AND these people are almost unanimously PRO DEATH PENALTY!!! That just blows my mind altogether.

The second big win came from Ohio, who voted NO to a union busting amendment. I swear to gershwin I felt my grandfather spinning in his grave at the conservatives taking away union worker's rights! A union man his entire life, this would have been something that would have made him protest, I swear. I can just see him downtown Chicago with a big old sign protesting that silly bill! He's smiling now though, I just know it.

Third happened in Maine where they can again register and vote on the same day. Some wacky conservatives decided that it would be cool to take that law away from Americans in hopes of what I just don't know...maybe they hoped it would lead to more votes come 2012 in their favour? Who knows.

Earlier tonight I was talking with my PJ about the state this country is in and how conservatives are always screaming for LESS GOVERNMENT and if you vote for them that's exactly what you'll get when in reality what you'll get voting for them is way MORE government in your life and much higher taxes unless you're uber-rich. I don't care how they spin it, Reagan was wrong with his trickle down economics because the rich do NOT create more jobs when they pay less in taxes, if this were correct after all those massive Bush tax cuts for the filthy rich would have created massive amounts of jobs however...and ya knew there'd be one of those...in the end we ended up in a recession not seen since the depression and they're blaming that on President Obama, who wasn't even in office when it began. It's frightening how many people don't know how to do simple math, the recession started in 2007, President Obama was elected...that's right ELECTED, not sworn in...in 2008 and then took actual control of the country in January of 2009. But I suppose conservatives don't like to get into those pesky details. Whatever. Now I'm not saying Mr. Obama has been a perfect President, there have been times I've had to shake my head in disagreement with him (Afghanistan comes to mind) but for the most part I think he's done a good job...with what he's had to work with anyway. If the republicans weren't so, literally, hell-bent on defeating every fucking thing he's tried to do so far, this country would be well into recovery instead of limping towards it. It's absolutely fucking amazing that these moron's stand up there, proud as can be, and will look into the camera and say they will do EVERYTHING in their power to make sure President Obama is a one term President! And from the looks of things that absolutely includes throwing this country into a depression! The American people have to wake up and see these asshats for what they are, and they have to stop drinking the Fox News Kool Aid and realise that there is not ONE republican candidate that has any plans on adding one job or helping middle America because they simply DO NOT CARE about middle America. They only care about themselves and their bank accounts and what will keep the money flowing freely into those accounts. I mean look at how Faux News is spinning all these accusations that are out there against Herman Cain! A couple months ago when Mr. Weiner (really needs to change his name imo) was texting photo's of his schwangy these conservative warmongers were foaming at the mouth, screaming for first his head and then his resignation but with Mr. Cain? It's the women's fault and those of us women who do not wish to be sexually abused should wear Burka's, that's their take on it all. I mean seriously?! Rush Limbaugh (who my beloved son calls Limbog or Limba the Hutt) is the most vile excuse for a human being out there and he's even going after one of the women's young son, insulting him! WHERE is the line with these vermon? Do they have one? Is that BLACK MAN in the WHITE HOUSE that threatening to them that they'll take an obvious sexual predator and back him to become the republican candidate next year? Really? Unbelievable. Really unbelievable. And I thought Rick Perry was the worst of that lot! He's just pill popping and beer slurping now days! Jebus these people need to get a grip on their slimy souls and take a good, hard look at what they're saying and doing! And STOP comparing these accusations against Cain to Clinton and Monica Lewinsky who was a WILLING PARTICIPANT. That is worlds apart! Give me Bill Clinton and that cigar any fucking day over Herman Cain and his roving hands! GAH I just made myself throw up in my mouth a little bit...nope.... A LOT.....excuse me whilst I rush to the loo...  ;o)

Anyway today was a good day, it really does seem that Americans are waking up, smelling the tea and deciding they'd rather have coffee!!