28 April 2012

Bits and Bobs

So ok I'm sooo horrible at updating my blog, I just don't have much to say or the time in which to say it. I have a lot of actual thoughts and outrages but seldom the strength in which to put them down here. Well I suppose I have some time now...kid isn't home and I'm just sitting around. So here we go.

I think I'm still really angry about this whole "War on Women" shit I keep hearing from the GOP every day, especially when they say there is no War on Women as they're signing away our rights to our own bodies and healthcare for women and now I see some states are making it ok for women who are raped to be continually victimized by the system that is supposed to protect them. It's just disgusting. It infuriates me that these fat, rich old men think they own the fucking world and everyone in it well I hate to tell 'em but they sure as hell don't! I own me, nobody else does. Slavery is illegal. What usually stuns me most are the idiotic republican women cheering these things on as if there's nothing wrong. I guess in their eyes, since these rules/laws won't actually effect them, it is all ok. I really hope that come this November WHEN PRESIDENT OBAMA IS REELECTED the repukes sit down and think about the ridiculous decisions they've made in the past few years. I know republican's around me who are ashamed of this party, are absolutely either refusing to vote altogether or will be voting for the President. No matter how much it hurts. :o)  It's just mind blowing that there are still those out there who feel ok and not ashamed to stand up for what is being done, who actually believe all the lies Faux News tells, it scares the shit out of me when I see people who I think are normally intelligent people standing in front of me thinking they're successfully debating with me using Faux News talking points. It makes me flabbergasted when, just because I'm temporarily stunned silent due to their ignorance, that they've bested me and then get so angry when I eventually come back to life and make mincemeat of their "beliefs". Gosh they get so angry when I can and do prove over and over again how misinformed they are! My favourite is when people say, not even necessarily republican's, that they're upset with the President because he hasn't done a damned thing since he got into office....again after a few stunned moments of silence they're thinking differently when I point out what he's accomplished, even with every single damned repuke against him. It's humbling really, when you consider what he's done, just the healthcare reform gets me. It further frustrates me when people say they hate the healthcare reform and they don't want to pay for other people to have healthcare. First of all...how selfish. If I had a few bob left at the end of the day and could give it to someone who needed it I damned well would. Second of all, YOU PAY FOR THOSE PEOPLE NOW every single time they go to the ER because they stubbed their damned toe! PLUS everyone and I mean EVERYONE pays sooooooo much for insurance now, wouldn't it be nice to have that price go down, according to what you earn and can afford? Wouldn't it be nice to have some extra money in your pocket? I'd be very happy to have a bit more money in hand! I'm not afraid to have to pay for healthcare because I know if I can only afford 10 bucks per month then that's all I'll pay. Get it yet people? It's not like the POTUS is going to force us to all pay 500 bucks a month when we only make 600 a month..duh. STOP LISTENING TO THE REPUBLICANS! THEY LIE! Yeesh...

So ok last month it was in the 80z for like 2 weeks straight here in Chicago and it's gone downhill ever since. Next week it's supposed to warm up so yay...however, for all those people who, again, are listening to the repukes and don't believe in global warming, if the weather of the past few months don't prove it's existence to you...well then you'll never get your head out of the sand. Nothing to do about that. The weather has been wacky for sure and I know it does naturally go nutty from time-to-time, but it's been too wacky for too long. Our winters are lasting into the spring and our summers are lasting into the fall...well into. Shit's gotten weird, the poor plants and flowers and trees don't know if they're blooming or changing colours for the fall! 

Gosh my kid is 13 going on 30, I swear! The changes in him are freaking me out, he's tall, his voice is deep, he's getting hairy everywhere but he's still my sweet boy...when he's not a bratty, sullen teenager. lol I love the kid, with my heart and soul. He's a brilliant human being, he's talented, he's got a huge heart that he actually listens to. He amazes me on a daily basis and he is going to be SOMEONE when he's grown. Just you watch.

I think I'm going to beg my mum to let me plant some flowers and things in her backyard. The thing I hate most about living here in an apartment is having no outside to plant things I love. I want flowers! I'm sure she'll be ok with it, I mean it's not like she's gonna have to do a darned thing. I'll be over to water and stuff, she only lives a mile away! I want pretty pink flowers and purple flowers and yellow and blue and green and orange and....every colour in the world!!! I LOVE FLOWERS! I play the Sims 3 and you should see the landscaping I do for the houses I build! Amazing if I do say so myself! Actually I gotta run 'cos I gotta continue this adorable Southwestern influenced house!