05 July 2011

Not Guilty?! Seriously?

I'm not sure how I feel about Casey Anthony being found not guilty of murdering her daughter Caylee. I've thought her guilty this entire time to be honest but maybe I didn't have all the evidence? Obviously I didn't. I would like to think that the jury did their job to the absolute best of their abilities and to the letter of the job, and that the defense team was utterly brilliant, but when I close my eyes all I see is a girl partying in the days after her 2 year old daughter went mising. I am a mother of a 12 year old, opinionated son who has always been the most important thing in my life and I can absolutely promise the entire world were he to go missing I would NOT be partying, drinking, dancing or getting tattoo's, but that's just me.

I'm hoping that in the days that come, as the juror's speak and let us know what they thought, about the evidence and how they came to their verdict that they explain it enough for us all to understand. I mean even her parents thought she was guilty! However I'm not convinced her parents are the epitome of virtue anyway, though I don't believe in the sudden abuse claims against her father either. I'm hoping they will go on television soon and say "You didn't see what we saw, hear what we heard and this is exactly why we found her not guilty." and that I'll go "Well duh, I would have found her not guilt also.". As it goes now? I feel an injustice was done to that poor, beautiful, dead little girl.

Of course all I know about is the partying, the photo's of Casey drinking and that tattoo 'Bella Vita"...The Good Life. I suppose that could be in memory of her life with her daughter, that being a mom was the good life, but the timing sucked then. Maybe she just handles stress differently than I do. Just 'cos I would be a basket-case doesn't mean Casey Anthony would. We're probably nothing alike, I hope. I tend to always see the best in people and if I have to be honest? I'm more than a bit niave when it comes to people, I like to think we're all good at heart. I mean sure there are the Jeffrey Dahmer's out there in the world but even he admitted he was a monster and deserved the death penalty for what he'd done, and in the end received that via other inmates. I guess in the end we all get what's coming to us, and Casey Anthony will too. Are we just a rabid culture that wants blood immediately without knowing all the facts? Have we not progressed past those days when people would pay to watch men fight lions? Have we not progressed beyond enjoying watching a public hanging? I mean it disturbs me that I would have been pleased with a guilty verdict, I thought she was guilty, but I wouldn't have wanted her to get the death penalty. Of course Caylee wasn't my kid. See, I'm a bit of a head-case when it comes to this whole thing, I do NOT believe in the death penalty because I feel that every life should be as important as the next, but if someone hurts or takes my son from me and the world? Well that's when I kill that person so I guess I'm safe as that is not the death penalty and it would be a sin I'd gratefully go to hell over.

I'm yammering, excuse me. Back on track now.

Casey Anthony was found not guilty and people are insane over this verdict, most people (myself included as I've admitted) had her tried, convicted and put away. It's driving me nuts what those juror's know that I don't! I honestly thought she would be found guilty, I thought the evidence, the partying, was damning. Obviously it wasn't and I want to know WHY! I'm much too nosey to not know! And what kills me most? It's over now. Casey can do a dance on the tables and laugh and explain exactly how she killed her daughter and nothing could be done about it. Damn that double jeopardy thing. I dunno...this is giving me a headache now...I'm going to keep further opinions to myself until I learn more and I just wonder if she'll serve time for those four counts that she was found guilty on? And I wonder if she does do a year for each count as it's being thought will happen, will some inmate do away with Casey the same way Dahmer was done away with? Those women would sell what soul they have to hold their kids, will they tolerate this young woman to live? I'm sure most of them, that know about this (which I'm sure is just about all of them), will think she's guilty, will they take matters into their own hands? I do believe, down to my soul, that you get what you deserve in the end, OJ did. Maybe OJ isn't in prison for murder but he's where he deserves to be.

I am amazed at the verdict, I cry for little Caylee..that poor baby.

01 July 2011

So ok then...

Seems that, whilst whatever is wrong with Blogger, I'm able to get round it. See I had this whole rant about tv commercial's and it was pretty good, but that was like ages ago and I'm not sure I can redo it nearly as well. Crapola. Oh well, here it goes anyway.
So ok who thinks up these tv adverts these days? I mean do they even watch the crap they're putting out there, expecting us to not only believe but that we'll go out and buy these products? I mean ok the one product advert I'm gonna rant on about I've purchased but only 'cos it was on sale, not because of the commercial. The product is mascara. They have either beautiful model's or beautiful actresses selling mascara's today, and we're supposed to believe that her lashes are that long, thick and plentiful because she's using a certain mascara. Well duh, they've also got on false eyelashes and THAT is what makes them look like that. When I bought this certain brand it did totally glop onto my eyelashes, I had to take it off a couple times and reapply to get it look good and I have thick and long lashes, they are just very blonde and nearly invisable without mascara on them. I see no difference in length, fullness or anything different in my eyelashes. None at all. It was waterproof though, 'cos when I saw Spandau Ballet live in Birmingham for the first time in the 25 years I've been a fan (they never toured the US, totally different rant) and I had front row, well the water-works came on and my mascara didn't run! So that was truthful at least.
My other complaint for adverts is how when they are portraying a family setting, the wife is always thin, well put together and young whilst the husband is chubby, balding and usually in sweats. I don't get that, it makes no damned sense to me. Why can't it be a chubby woman in sweats with a fit husband?
Again lets move on to these commercials trying to sell us skin care for us aging women. For dark circles, for wrinkles, for sagging. Ok if you want me to seriously consider buying your product? How about NOT using a model who's all of maybe 25 years old? I mean seriously now! Do they not see what I'm seeing? Practically these women are children and we're supposed to believe they've got dark circles and wrinkles and sagging anything? Please spare me! Use me and my dark circles and put me on your fucking commercial and then we'll see how well your product works 'cos I've used a few and let me tell you, whilst they've all worked a little bit, they did not work very well or enough for me to purchase that product a second time.
Another thing that bugs me is the food commercial's. It's ok for the man to have a big, honkin' steak, potatoes and a beer but then you see the woman is having a small salad. WTF! Why can't she have the steak? That tells me women need to be skinny, hungry, have fake assed eyelashes and look ever youthful. Impossible.
Then we have magazines...who are notorious for airbrushing photographs. Making skinny model's look down right ridiculous as their heads, which are already too big for their skinny bodies, even more grotesque and out of sorts. We're led to believe that women are seriously supposed to look like a Barbie doll in order to be considered attractive. Then we see a show about how teen and preteen girls and boys are becoming more and more anorexic and we shake our heads and wonder why and what we can do to stop this trend. I have a 12 year old son who thinks he's fat 'cos he no longer can fit in slim jeans...because he sees skinny boys his age who aren't even near puberty on tv so much that he doesn't realise that he, who is in full swing puberty, is filling out and becoming a man. I try to keep that sort of crap away from him, and I think how much more difficult it must be for parents of girls, but it's nearly impossible. He's not the sort of kid who follows fads to be honest, but he sees that these kids are shaped different and he doesn't know why he doesn't look like that and because he doesn't he is then fat and no good. Why do we think that fat equals no good? Is it because we think fat people are lazy? That if they just got off their fat asses they'd be thin? Does anyone stop to think beyond that though? Fat is the last taboo, it's the last thing that's ok to make fun of openly, fat people are to be laughed at and ridiculed 'cos lets face it, us fat people don't have feelings nor a reason to exist. @@ When is it going to stop being ok to humiliate people who are over-weight? When will "fat" be in the same catagory as other things that we no longer say out of respect?
Basically, as always, we just have to be intelligent when we watch tv and see these adverts, but then it's not always easy is it. I mean if I go out and get that mascara tomorrow....maybe I won't look so fat and some guy will fall in love with me and I'll look younger than I am if I rub some of that lotion on my face...maybe....