31 December 2011


I have decided that all photographs I use on this blog will be only my own. The above, which I need to figure out how to make the pictures bigger though...and I will...was taken last February after the massive blizzard we had. Here it is, New Years Eve 2011 and we have had maybe 12 flakes of snow and I'm DYING to get out there with my camera and take some pictures of snow and nature and all that stuff! SNOW DAMN IT! lol


The beginning of an entirely new year is heady! There are so many things to accomplish! So many new chances! It's a completely, entirely NEW YEAR! I love the promise, I love the excitement, I hate that I have to work and won't be awake to welcome 2012! However, I LOVE being paid double time for the holiday! So, with all this excitement I'm taking my exhausted arse to bed! Ciao Bellas! And



Y E A R ! ! ! !

12 December 2011

Why is it so COOL to hate?

Can someone please explain to me when and why it got so cool to hate? I mean hatred is so OUT THERE and acceptable these days, is my mum the only one who taught me and my brother that to hate is to lessen yourself? Are we the last 2 kids to be taught that hatred is not only a waste of energy but just wrong? Usually you hate someone who's done ya wrong and ok everyone hates at one time or other and mostly when we say "I hate so-and-so" we just strongly dislike that person and then when the fire has gone out we just don't even give that person a second thought. Sure there are those that hold grudges like they were a child born of their own bodies but I just wasn't wired like that I guess. I don't understand hate like that. I may say I hate like country music but really, I just don't care for it and don't listen to it. I think people throw around the word hate over-much. But there is something wrong in the world today because hatred, real, passionate hatred, is on the uprise.

I think after 9-11 many American's had a rather harsh feelings towards Muslim's. I know where I live there is a rather large Muslim population and at that time their homes were set on fire, they were beaten in the streets, they had objects thrown at them while they were driving and walking, it was frightening to see. I'm not a person who hates, like I've said, and I have never been a person who doesn't like someone because of the colour of their skin or their choice in religion however I do feel that I had harsh feelings towards Muslims after 9-11. Looking back on it now I can honestly say it was the pain of what had happened, it was the fear and it was the ignorance of a religion and a people that allowed me to have those harsh feelings. I'm ashamed at myself now that I ever thought that way. I remember a job I had back in the early 90z and this girl I worked with hated all hispanic men because 2 of them robbed her, with a gun in her face. Now I could never wrap my brain around hating an entire race of people for the actions of 2 men, and now I know it was the fact that she'd never been so afraid for her life as she was then and she never did anything to learn how to deal with what happened to her, so I find it hard to let myself off so easily for my feelings and thoughts about Muslims. Sure now my opinions are different but it pains me that at one time I, too, hated, that I blamed an entire religion for the action of a few and those few were extremists and not...NOT...indicative of the Muslim religion at all. To kill in the name of any God is still a grievous sin, you will still go to hell (if you believe in that sort of thing) and you will still go to prison for having done so. There are extremist Christians and there are Christian's who do some horrific things but I don't hate all Christians! Look at Oklahoma City, the bombings, Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nicols, 2 white, Christian men, blew up the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. One Hundred Sixty Eight people were killed, including NINETEEN CHILDREN under the age of 6 and it is considered the most destructive terrorist act on American soil after the WTC bombings on 9-11. Now are we supposed to hate all Christian men? Are we supposed to hold ALL Christian's accountable for what 2 disturbed men did? I don't think so. Lets not be silly. However I find it hard to find a  "good Christian" who doesn't dislike, distrust or downright hate Muslims and they always say 9-11 is why. I've tried to point out that not only can you not blame all Muslims for that day but to try to insults my intelligence but that falls on deaf ears. They just want to hate. And I'm talking about people who take care of the ill, people who normally you'd like to have as a friend 'cos they're normally nice people, however when it comes to this subject? It's just amazing how they hate. I'm always looked on as the "bleeding heart liberal", as if just because I do honestly have the gift of being able to put myself into anyone elses shoes and see the world as they see it is something to be scoffed at. In reality it's because I embarrass them, because I have different ideas and I have different morals and I stick by them even when it's not the popular opinion. I've been at the lunch table with half a dozen people who hate President Obama simply because he's a Democrat (and I can honestly say it has NOTHING to do with him being half African American for a change), they refuse to see all that he has done because they're too busy listening and believing everything Fox News tells them. They're too in love with that hate-mongering, republican loving moron Rush Limbaugh. They're too busy hating because it's easier to hate than to educate themselves and maybe change their mind and they're really too afraid to go against the grain. They don't want to be like me, they don't have it in them to stick up for what they believe in. You can put me in a room with all republican's and I would have no fear to debate them. I would not stand down. I would not change my moral's and I would not alter my opinions to suit them. I was not put on this earth to make anyone comfortable, or so my mother always said. I was not created for comfort..except for my son of course. Personally I love it when I get into a debate with some republican ditto head and they say President Obama is the worst President ever and how he's done nothing for this country, that he got us into this recession and that he hates America. I just love asking for proof of all those statements. WHY do you think he's the worst President ever? How can you think he's done nothing for this country when he's done . . . (and I run down a list of his accomplishments)? I mostly love it when I ask them in their opinion when did the recession begin and they always say 2007 and I then ask them WHO WAS THE PRESIDENT IN 2007?! and that shuts them right up! HOW can it be President Obama's fault for the recession when he wasn't President in 2007? Of course they don't have an answer to that because there is none. Then I ask them who ever said he hates America, where is the proof of this and all they can do is quote Faux News and Limbog.

The republican candidates are each running campains on hatred. They hate gays. They hate women. They hate the middle class and they hate children. I have proof of each and every single thing I just said, I can give links to video of them saying those things. Youtube is a stone bitch for polititians these days isn't it! They all hate gays, they all want to repeal the rights for gay people to get married. They insist it will ruin the institution of marriage, men who are on their 3rd wife after having cheated on the first two, hold this opinion. Then you have one candidate who has an actual ad against gay people that has more DISlikes than any video in the history of youtube and that is saying A LOT! All these republican candidates are against a woman having the right to choose, they don't want women to have access to healthcare for women's concerns such as mamography and pap tests. They are against women getting paid the same for doing the samething as men do. They go so far as to say that women should basically stay home, have no access to birth control so we should just be barefoot and pregnant or not have sex at all. Sex is only for pleasure for men, not women. We're just here to endure their pleasure. Then you have the republican's who hate the middle class, they want us to pay MORE than the sickeningly rich, they want to stomp on the necks of working class American's, suck us dry and throw us away. They also hate kids, there is a candidate who wants to abolish child labor laws so the "poor kids" in the country can go out and get a job. I mean really? This candidate has never worked a day in his life but my son, at 13, instead of worrying about making sure his homework is done and that he's getting good marks in school should instead be out there working? Really? That fat, fucking moron. I nearly hate him, but he's just not worth it.

These people are also responsible for spreading that it's OK to hate Muslims because of what they did on 9-11, never mind that pesky point of fact that no, only a few did that, not every single Muslim in the world. But they're not worried about the truth, they're just worried about power, maintaining what power they have and getting more power. They'll stand up and tell us what to do, how we should feel, how we should think and then they'll spout off about being "good Christians". They wouldn't know what it means to be a good Christian if Jesus himself came down from Heaven and gave a productive, informative and entertaining speech about it. They'd absolutely hate the real Jesus, they'd be against everything he was for...wait...they already ARE against everything Jesus taught! ::smacks self on forehead::

Yesterday I learned via Facebook that LOWES pulled their advertising during the TLC show All American Muslim, because the message behind the show is UNAmerican and wrong. Now I've actually watched the show and I have to say, there is not ONE DIFFERENCE between any of the 5 families on this show and any 5 Christian families. Oh wait, there is a lot more tolerance among them, there is not a lot of hate being spewed or really, any. One of the women is very liberal, very open-minded and she wears the head covering, a Hijāb. I love my mother, she is the person who, when I was 7 years old and came home with a "fun" new word I'd learned at school that begins with an N, and washed out my mouth as she explained why it was wrong of me to say that word and what it meant. I had absolutely no idea, it was a new word, and I have honestly never said it since then. Anyway this woman who I always thought didn't have one bone in her body that could be considered racist argues with me that Muslim women in America should not be allowed to wear the Hijab. She insists that it's "ugly" and that if they want to be considered American they should conform to our ways. To say I was deeply saddened and shocked would be an understatement. I actually had to get up and leave her house and didn't speak to her for over a month. I just couldn't look at her. I have a hard time with my mother hating something that is so personal to others, that is worn out of respect to their own religion, and because it is so intolerant. As we grow up we go through phases of "Oh I hate those people" and my mother was always the first one to say it was just an accident that I wasn't born one myself so to have her so against Muslim women because of what they wear on their heads just amazes me in a bad, sickening way. I love my mom, I always will and of course I speak to her now and she's my best friend next to my son, but there will always be a part of me that is incredibly disappointed in her. I feel in my heart that she has let me down, that all those things she taught me as I grew was just a lie because it's not how she feels really. I guess we all have our foibles but that just bugs me bigtime. I'm also not the sort who leaves sleeping dogs lie, I have to nudge them every so often, so it's not beyond me to bring this and other subjects up at really odd times, just to revisit them. Like at Thanksgiving last year (2010) I said I was thankful for Muslim women being strong enough to wear what they want to respect their religion in such a way that is looked on as a bad thing by some American women who should know better. I mean for fucks sake my mom came of age in the fucking 60z! Peace, love, tolerance, a generation I've always looked to when I needed an example of how to really stand up for my opinions. Really though, she's an ok person, it's just this one thing she's intolerant about and I swear one day I will get her to see how wrong she is! I did get her to admit it's wrong to feel the way she does, however, but it's an uphill battle to convince her that she can change her feelings if she works at it. I had to. It's not easy, it's painful because you have to seriously take a good, hard look at yourself and you have to admit to being far from good, but in the end you grow and you are left with pride for the journey you've done. I'm proud that I am a more tolerant person now that I was back in 2001. I'm proud of myself that when I see a Muslim women in her Muslim garb I don't find it offensive and I know she's just being true to her own, personal religious beliefs. It is not for me to say that she shouldn't wear what she wants to wear. I find myself actually speaking to a lot of Muslim women to ask where they bought their head covering because a lot of the time the material is stunning. My only hope is to make one Muslim woman feel like an American woman, that just because she believes differently than I do when it comes to religion and how she chooses to represent her religion doesn't mean she's any better or worse than me. We women have got to learn to stand together, to support each other and to stop being so fucking critical of each other. We need to get women, intelligent women of every race and religion, in high ranking offices across this country and world because there is no more nurturing creature on this planet than women/females. I always have felt if things were in the hands of women this world would be so much better off. Not all women are cool and not all men are evil...most men aren't evil actually and some are even enlightened. The men I respect the most are the men who hold up the women in their lives as examples of how women should be seen. President Obama has his wife Michelle and I tell you what, I'd consider myself as having done well if I were half the woman she is! We need more women like her and Hillary out there, talking to young women/girls, to get them ready for the world they'll be inheriting. I think my job is to raise my son to respect women, to not see women as weaker or lesser than himself just because he has a penis and I have to say that so far I'm very successful! He's a great kid and I only hope that he continues on as he is!

Ok I'm done...my fingers are sore. lol If you've gotten this far? Well colour me incredibly impressed, and really, really grateful!

04 December 2011

Friendship Schmendshrip....

I know that everyone's idea of friendship is different and everyone does friendship differently. Some people have loads of friend but no real, close friends, some have only one or two really close friends and some have no friends and that's just sad. I always belonged to the club that said it's better to have one or two really good friends you can count on rather than tons that would turn their backs on you the second life got interesting. I don't need that stress in my life, I've had friends like that before and you know what? It's fun on a Friday and Saturday night but Monday morning always comes and forgive me but I like my Monday morning friend better. She's always there. My Monday Morning friend has been my friend for longer than I want to say, since we were at least 16 and in high school. We did lose touch for a good 15 or so years and when we met back up via the internet? It was like "So where were we then?" (btw, I totally stole that from Steve Norman of Spandau Ballet when he told the story of how it was when he saw Martin Kemp for the first time in over a decade, I thought it was absolutely brilliant so that's why I used it now! I heart Steve Norman!) It's a brilliant quote and exactly how I felt to have Wendy back in my life. Wanna know how we met? The first words exchanged? During gym class, neither of us dressed that day (as would become a custom for us! lol) and she saw a pin on my purse and said "Oh, you like Duran Duran?" and of course I said "Yeah I do. A lot." and thus blossomed a friendship! Duranies stick together man! :) Music, not money, makes the world go round, it creates friendships where there may not have been friendships, it gives people something to have in common when they seem to be polar opposites and it soothes the soul or stirs the soul...thing is with music? It can do whatever you need it to do, if you know what to listen to. Anywhooooo...friendship. Yeah we all need friends in our lives, it makes it a lot easier to deal with, to bounce things off on someone who may not agree with you but has your best interest at heart? Priceless. It's honestly an honour to have friends, or a friend. And true friendship can last even when you lose touch for a decade or two! Wendy and I were always crazy, we always thought a like and we always did as much together as we could so it should not have surprised me when we got back into each other's lives to find out our kids are both boys, hers a year younger nearly to the day to mine (I'm older than her by an enormous 20 days exactly you see!) and they have initials for names and the second initial is both J! They share a brain even though they don't appreciate each other much, we sorta forced them together and it didn't go as well as we would have liked it to go but I know they respect each other and I know if we lived closer they'd be good friends.

Real friends are there for the good, the bad and the disasterous...especially when it comes to fashion mistakes made...to NOT make fun of them is a sign of a true friend! lol God the 80z were not kind, which is why there are maybe 4 pictures of me from that time! I'm not stupid! The good times I remember of course, the trips into the city, to record stores all over the Chicago-land area and Northern suburbs, the clubs, the boys, the getting lost going to record stores, the camping out for Duran Duran and Depeche Mode tickets.....and things I won't put down 'cos maybe my son will read this one day...ahem. So yeah, there's been A LOT of things we've been through, that we've done and experienced and most of the time we just nod at each other and say "Wax Trax" and the other knows exactly what is meant. It's nice to have someone who was there when I was actually COOL, I have at least her as a witness 'cos my kid sure doesn't believe me when I tell him I WAS COOL DAMN IT! lol Like he's so bloody cool. Whatever.

SOooo.....speaking of my offspring...he got into his first physical fight last week, and with a boy who was, just last weekend, his best friend of over 3 years. They've fought on and off since 5th grade, the kid who was his friend can be a bit...spoilt and has major anger issues and my PJ finally had enough. This kid pushed him, taunted him so last week they fought and PJ beat the kid's ass. I'm not condoning violence and PJ knows I won't put up with it, but he's also not going to let some snot-nosed brat push him around either! He didn't start it, he finished it. I'm glad to know he can take care of himself. Strangely enough it's made him wildly popular now...kids are just so twisted sometimes. However the kid actually came back on Friday and started pushing PJ around again! PJ couldn't find him after school so nothing happened but I gotta give it to this kid, he's either really brave or very, very stupid. I'm leaning more towards him being not brave to be honest....and I find it real sad that their friendship ended on such a violent note. I know it bothers PJ, but he's putting on a brave face about it and that's fine, but you can't lose a good friend like that and not be upset about it. He's angry right now but eventually he'll calm down and will be upset and feel the loss. Especially over the break for Christmas 'cos he'll have nowhere to spend a night away from home! lol Hurts me more than him, trust me. lol

It just goes to prove that we make friends, we lose friends, we reconnect and we beat the shit out of friends...it's all just a part of life. I believe everything happens for a reason, even this fight PJ had. I had just been saying to my mother the day before the fight that PJ has been hanging out with this other kid instead of the bully-wannabe and how I was happy about it because N is a good kid. He's smart, he's popular and he adores his mum! Boys that love their mum are the best boys in the world! I liked that PJ had been going out after school every day to hang out with N because all the other kid, Z, liked to do was veg out and play video games. That's fine but I like that when he's hanging with N he's OUTSIDE and ACTIVE! N is also really smart, and does his homework and I believe he will be a very good influence in that on PJ...who is a good student but can lag behind sometimes.

So all-in-all I always have and always will believe 1 real good friend you can always count on is better than 10 you can't. Sure maybe those 10 will get you into the coolest  clubs and will buy you all the drinks you can drink, but will they hold your hair when you puke? Probably not. I'd hold Wendy's hair...I believe she'd hold mine...if I had long hair. :o) I'm teaching PJ that it's more important to BE a good friend than to HAVE a good friend also, because if you're not going to do whatever needs to be done for your bestie then you don't deserve her/him.