04 December 2011

Friendship Schmendshrip....

I know that everyone's idea of friendship is different and everyone does friendship differently. Some people have loads of friend but no real, close friends, some have only one or two really close friends and some have no friends and that's just sad. I always belonged to the club that said it's better to have one or two really good friends you can count on rather than tons that would turn their backs on you the second life got interesting. I don't need that stress in my life, I've had friends like that before and you know what? It's fun on a Friday and Saturday night but Monday morning always comes and forgive me but I like my Monday morning friend better. She's always there. My Monday Morning friend has been my friend for longer than I want to say, since we were at least 16 and in high school. We did lose touch for a good 15 or so years and when we met back up via the internet? It was like "So where were we then?" (btw, I totally stole that from Steve Norman of Spandau Ballet when he told the story of how it was when he saw Martin Kemp for the first time in over a decade, I thought it was absolutely brilliant so that's why I used it now! I heart Steve Norman!) It's a brilliant quote and exactly how I felt to have Wendy back in my life. Wanna know how we met? The first words exchanged? During gym class, neither of us dressed that day (as would become a custom for us! lol) and she saw a pin on my purse and said "Oh, you like Duran Duran?" and of course I said "Yeah I do. A lot." and thus blossomed a friendship! Duranies stick together man! :) Music, not money, makes the world go round, it creates friendships where there may not have been friendships, it gives people something to have in common when they seem to be polar opposites and it soothes the soul or stirs the soul...thing is with music? It can do whatever you need it to do, if you know what to listen to. Anywhooooo...friendship. Yeah we all need friends in our lives, it makes it a lot easier to deal with, to bounce things off on someone who may not agree with you but has your best interest at heart? Priceless. It's honestly an honour to have friends, or a friend. And true friendship can last even when you lose touch for a decade or two! Wendy and I were always crazy, we always thought a like and we always did as much together as we could so it should not have surprised me when we got back into each other's lives to find out our kids are both boys, hers a year younger nearly to the day to mine (I'm older than her by an enormous 20 days exactly you see!) and they have initials for names and the second initial is both J! They share a brain even though they don't appreciate each other much, we sorta forced them together and it didn't go as well as we would have liked it to go but I know they respect each other and I know if we lived closer they'd be good friends.

Real friends are there for the good, the bad and the disasterous...especially when it comes to fashion mistakes made...to NOT make fun of them is a sign of a true friend! lol God the 80z were not kind, which is why there are maybe 4 pictures of me from that time! I'm not stupid! The good times I remember of course, the trips into the city, to record stores all over the Chicago-land area and Northern suburbs, the clubs, the boys, the getting lost going to record stores, the camping out for Duran Duran and Depeche Mode tickets.....and things I won't put down 'cos maybe my son will read this one day...ahem. So yeah, there's been A LOT of things we've been through, that we've done and experienced and most of the time we just nod at each other and say "Wax Trax" and the other knows exactly what is meant. It's nice to have someone who was there when I was actually COOL, I have at least her as a witness 'cos my kid sure doesn't believe me when I tell him I WAS COOL DAMN IT! lol Like he's so bloody cool. Whatever.

SOooo.....speaking of my offspring...he got into his first physical fight last week, and with a boy who was, just last weekend, his best friend of over 3 years. They've fought on and off since 5th grade, the kid who was his friend can be a bit...spoilt and has major anger issues and my PJ finally had enough. This kid pushed him, taunted him so last week they fought and PJ beat the kid's ass. I'm not condoning violence and PJ knows I won't put up with it, but he's also not going to let some snot-nosed brat push him around either! He didn't start it, he finished it. I'm glad to know he can take care of himself. Strangely enough it's made him wildly popular now...kids are just so twisted sometimes. However the kid actually came back on Friday and started pushing PJ around again! PJ couldn't find him after school so nothing happened but I gotta give it to this kid, he's either really brave or very, very stupid. I'm leaning more towards him being not brave to be honest....and I find it real sad that their friendship ended on such a violent note. I know it bothers PJ, but he's putting on a brave face about it and that's fine, but you can't lose a good friend like that and not be upset about it. He's angry right now but eventually he'll calm down and will be upset and feel the loss. Especially over the break for Christmas 'cos he'll have nowhere to spend a night away from home! lol Hurts me more than him, trust me. lol

It just goes to prove that we make friends, we lose friends, we reconnect and we beat the shit out of friends...it's all just a part of life. I believe everything happens for a reason, even this fight PJ had. I had just been saying to my mother the day before the fight that PJ has been hanging out with this other kid instead of the bully-wannabe and how I was happy about it because N is a good kid. He's smart, he's popular and he adores his mum! Boys that love their mum are the best boys in the world! I liked that PJ had been going out after school every day to hang out with N because all the other kid, Z, liked to do was veg out and play video games. That's fine but I like that when he's hanging with N he's OUTSIDE and ACTIVE! N is also really smart, and does his homework and I believe he will be a very good influence in that on PJ...who is a good student but can lag behind sometimes.

So all-in-all I always have and always will believe 1 real good friend you can always count on is better than 10 you can't. Sure maybe those 10 will get you into the coolest  clubs and will buy you all the drinks you can drink, but will they hold your hair when you puke? Probably not. I'd hold Wendy's hair...I believe she'd hold mine...if I had long hair. :o) I'm teaching PJ that it's more important to BE a good friend than to HAVE a good friend also, because if you're not going to do whatever needs to be done for your bestie then you don't deserve her/him.

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