08 June 2011

Seriously, people?

So this past Monday, whilst at work, I bent over to put blankets away in a closet and I hurt my back really bad. Now lets remember that I work in a hospital ok? So I got up as slowly as I could, I nearly blacked out, I literally saw stars and everything was weirdly brighter so I knew I'd really done some damage to my lower back. I was staring at a nurse with pain written all over my face, she asked what happened and I told her then went to sit on a chair that happened to be in the hallway, she did nothing for me to help me. I could hardly walk and this freaked me out 'cos I was like did I just fuck something up so bad in my back that I'd not be able to walk again? NOBODY helped me. In a hospital. Surrounded by nurses. Amazing right? So I hobbled back down to where my area is, after finishing my deliveries of course 'cos I knew I'd get in trouble, hurt ot not, if I didn't finish. I was wheeled by a co-worker to the ER and they took good care of me but I still cannot believe how not one of those nurses helped me. When I was walking I was really holding onto the cart I had and had tears streaming down my face. NOBODY helped me or asked if they could help me. I was completely ignored. Nice right? It just blows me away how these people, who are supposed to be there to help, did nothing. One nurse especially, the one that knew I'd hurt my back. I don't think I was expecting too much, was I? On top of all of this the reason why I hurt my back is because the closet I was putting linen in had a whole bunch of stuff on the floor and I sorta tripped over it. So now I'm torn on whether or not I should make a deal out of this. I don't want to be the cause of anyone getting fired but seriously, to not help someone in obvious pain? Of course I realise that everyone's gonna say they didn't notice me and mostly I'm sure that's gonna be true, but I know the one nurse not only knew but she ignored me completely.

I was talking to my best friend about how horrible things have gotten these days where you hear about people getting attacked or a woman getting raped and other people knowing about it but doing nothing about it. Are we really that horrible now? Have we sunk to the level where we just don't care about what happens to other people? Why don't we help when help is obviously desperately needed? How would I react in a situation where someone needed intervention? I'd like to think I'd at least call the police or get help somehow and I really think I would. I remember once when I was working in the mall and I saw a mother literally punch her 3 year old son in the chest because he wanted to see the Easter Bunny and I did get security involved and I did get in between her and the little boy, but what if it were a man? Would I have been that brave to do such a thing? What if I saw a woman being beaten by a man? Would I have the strength to get between them? I guess it's just something that would have to happen for me to know the truth. I'd like to think that if I didn't notice some sort of weapon in the guys hand that I would get involved, if only to yell that I'd phoned the cops. Knowing me though? I'd probably throw something at the guy! Who knows.

Anywhoo my back is killing me so I'm outtie!

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