14 June 2011


Yeap, that's a line from one of the most well known songs of all time, and one of the most well loved as well! Spandau Ballet's True! When that song was at it's height I was in beauty school. Now when you're in beauty school (hush with the beauty school drop out jokes, I graduated.....eventually) you go Tuesday through Saturday, Saturday being 8 hours and my god it couldn't be any more boring if it tried! So anyway I'd be sitting by the driers, writing my fun stories as I used to do back then, and would hear True at least 3-4 times! In an 8 hour span!! No wonder why it's not one of my favourite songs right?! I think Gary Kemp would feel the same way....oh wait, he probably played it sooooooo many times...nevermind. Sometimes thoughts scamper across my brain but have to be thrown out due to incredible silliness. So yeah there were 3 bands I followed back in the glorious 80z were Spandau Ballet, Duran Duran and Depeche Mode. Now it's not surprising to find that I still follow those bands, that they still make me scream and act 15 (which is a step up from how I normally act)! Recently, like April, I got to see Duran Duran live yet again, with my bestest pal ever Wendy, which is something we've managed to NOT do since 1987 and the Strange Behaviour tour!! The boys played the House of Blues as it wasn't a proper tour, just testing the waters to be honest, and it was fantastic! I've always wanted to see them in a smaller venue like that, where it's all good seating so you can see the guys well! I tell you, they may all be in their 50's now (except for Mr. Nick Rhodes, who just hit 49 on the 8th of June) but let me assure you that they are still amazing! Those men can still put on an electric show that pleases the audience and hopefully satisfies something in them so they continue to please us! I mean it is a give and take right? So lets get a bit...how to put it...shallow shall we? My god they looked good! If John Taylor gets any sexier he's going to have to start....I don't know what he'll have to do but MY GOD! And then there's my beloved Simon Lebon....even with face fur that man is still so incredibly sexy that he gives every woman he comes into contact with, even from across a room, that dirty little tickle we love so much! Those eyes of his promise so much....damn it. lol WHOOHOO! Ok let me just real quick jump in a cold shower, I'll brb.....

So yeah I'm back, drippy and calmer now. Where was I? Oh I can't go back there...so I'll go instead to Mr. Lebon being ill! Now whatever it is his throat is doing to him better calm the fuck down and let that voice go back to what it was before damn it! I feel bad for the guys, esp Simon, that they've had to cancel so many shows but hey, when the singer can't sing what can you do right? I just pray it's nothing serious, that he's just healing slowly...so all the healing vibes in the world HEAD TO SIMON LEBON!!!

I think I got into Spandau Ballet just a widdle bit before Depeche Mode, and I know exactly how and why I got into Spandau Ballet. I know the exact second. I know exactly what I was doing. I remember it because I was at my friend Wendy's house watching the premier of the video for Do They Know It's Christmas!!! "HE" was in the video because "HE" is in Spandau Ballet, and it was just a second and a half of him playing his guitar, turning towards none other than the spectacular JOHN TAYLOR that had me jumping up and down, pointing and asking "WHO IS THAT! WHO IS THAT!". Ended up it was Gary Kemp. It was that smile of his that got me. I can still, to this day, point to that exact second too and feel that giddyness...ridiculous as it is. I remember rushing out and spending LOADS of money on Spandau Ballet merchandise. I'd have to say, however, the biggest disappointment to me was that the one time they were going to tour America they had to cancel and I didn't get a chance to see them live. UNTIL 2009 THAT IS! Yeap I had to wait until 24th October 2009 to finally see my boys live but I will say this, it was well worth the wait! Such an amazing band, so amazing to see the five of them on stage finally even though I had to travel all the way to Birmingham, England (ironically as Spandau are from London and Duran are from Birmingham) to get this chance! Oh darn, made 2 dreams come true in one fell swoop!! England was as beautiful as I always dreamed it was, even more so as some of the things I did see I never imagined and especially how fantastic my friends were to me and especially how friendly the people of Birmingham that worked at the LG Arena were! I'd wait all those years again to see them live....except I don't know if it would be the same as they'd mostly be in their 70z and I'd be in my 60z....lol

So that leaves Depeche Mode. I love them so much that when I was pregnant with my PJ they were pretty much all I listened to! So it came to pass that they ended up being PJz favourite band ever! He enjoys Duran Duran as well as some of his fathers heavy metal puke bands...ugh. Anywhoooooo.....as with his mother, PJz first live show he ever saw was Duran Duran, he's seen them twice now, and he's gotten a chance to see Depeche Mode once! He was 7 and standing on his chair behind me and when he hit the stage PJ started jumping up and down screaming THERE'S MARTIN GORE MAMA! THERE'S MARTIN GORE!!! I still don't know how I feel about that...that he idolises Martin Gore....lol Just kidding, I adore Mr Gore. He is so incredibly talented and so sinfully underappreciated! I hope they do something soon 'cos both of us are going into spasms, needing new Mode!!!

These days I gotta admit music sux. Bigtime. There are no longer different genre's like there were back in the day, it's all cRap. At least here in Chicago it is. Music in England has always been and still is way better. I do, oddly enough, like Lady Gaga....she's not doing anything new (hello Madonna) but she does it with such style! I like a lot of the messages her music carries, especially how she tells kids to enjoy being different, to be strong. Kids need someone like her telling them that they're weird yes, but it's cool! It gives them strength! I'm all for kids going out there and expressing themselves 'cos if they don't do that how the hell will they ever know who they truly are? My kid is going to be the next George Lucas. I really believe that, and more to the point, so does he.

There is one band that are new...young...that I'm wild about. The Editors! I can't get enough of their music! They're from Birmingham (England, of course) and their sound is just fab! I also love Palace Fires (who have their first album out and available via iTunes), Muse (PJ also likes them a lot as they sound a bit like Queen meets Depeche Mode meets U2) and a few others that I don't feel like typing out right now. I'm bored. Actually that's a lie, my back is absolutely screaming at me to go lay the fuck down so lay the fuck down I shall! I can't wait for this back to heal already!!!

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