31 August 2011

Today's Rant....BEWARE!!

One thing I'm quite passionate about these days is politics. If you're unable to tolerate a liberal woman with strong political opinions it's probably time to go do something else because this won't be a good time for you.

Now I'm not going to act like I know SO MUCH about politics, I don't know as much as I wish I did so I'm constantly reading everything I can get my hands on but my problem is my AADD kicks in and I cannot finish 'cos I find most things written about politics incredibly boring. I want to be able to understand most of what is written but sometimes I think these people who write about politics sit there with their thesaurus next to them and take a normal word, look it up and add one that nobody knows what it is just to look intelligent. Whatever. So ok, back to politics. I'm a registered Democrat, I'm Liberal and I've got a vagina so....most republican's think I should die a painful death. Or at least I should be quiet, constantly pregnant, obedient and without opinion, but that's not how I was raised.

Now if you've read any of my other blogs, like the one directly under this one, you'll understand that my Grandpa was  my hero and main influence in how I see the world, right down to me believing that I'm ALWAYS right. Just like him. Except I am always right, no matter what my mother and son say. ;o) My Grandpa was a Democrat and there were times he'd rail on and on about republican's and their insane notions on things but really, he didn't live long enough to be witness to true insanity. The insanity that is the republican party of the 21st century and the tea party are...well lets just say that my Grandpa probably wouldn't have a voice in which to use by now 'cos of the screaming he'd have been doing since '08. And he would have voted, no doubt, first for Hillary and then for President Obama. He liked Hillary, he always said she was one smart cookie, much smarter than her husband. Cannot argue with that. I think my Grandpa has been spinning in his grave ever since we put President Obama in the White house, from the cartoons of watermelon's on the front lawn of the White House to the cartoon of our President with a bone through his nose, my Grandpa is definitely disappointed in this country.

My Grandpa was a war hero, he was in WW2 and they captured the U505, which he dragged us to see at the Museum of Science and Industry here in Chicago every single year of our lives growing up, telling us tales about capturing the sub. We never believed him...poor man. But don't get cross with me and my brother, our Grandpa was a consumate storyteller, you never were sure if what he was telling you actually happened or if he was pulling your leg. Most of the time he was pulling our leg, like with the story of him beating up a Great White Shark when I know for a fact he would have become like Jesus and ran on water to get away from a shark. He was on a ship that was hit and sank and he did see fellow sailors eaten by sharks and I imagine he did dream about beating one of those sharks up, but alas, he was yankin' our chain about that one. He was also a union man, he worked at International Harvester until he took early retirement in his late 50z, I remember to this day going with my grandma to pick him up after work and I was really little, my brother wasn't even born yet so I was 3 and under, but I remember. Earlier this year when the govenor of Wisconsin took away Union's rights? I swear to god I heard my Grandpa and his entire generation of Union men and women yell! All I see republican's these days doing is taking away our rights that generations before us were proud of, that they fought for, and they tell us it's for our own good. If my Grandpa knew how close my mother is to losing her social security, or having it lessened, he'd seriously go postal. It's frustrating for my generation knowing that when we get old enough to retire we won't be able to because our money will have been spent on this generation retiring now. I mean WHO didn't plan ahead? WHO thought it was ok to spend other people's money all willy-nilly and not replace it, figuring the generation coming behind will put forth the money needed? Really? Was that someone's brilliant idea? I'm counting on my son being the next George Lucas so he can bathe me in grandeur 'cos there's simply no way I want to work until the day I drop dead!

My 12 year old son (soon to be 13 in October) is incredibly politically savvy, he's daily telling me about things he reads online that I didn't know about 'cos he's just way smarter than I am. I've raised him right, my Grandpa would really think I'm a brilliant mother 'cos I'm raising a White Sox fan AND a Democrat! What else could he have asked for in a great-grandson? One thing I noticed about his generation (besides their abysmal taste in music) is that they watch the news, they're online and they ARE informed. In 2008 his class (at a very mixed race school) was about 99% supporting President Obama's bid for the White House. I asked him why he liked the then Senator so much and he shrugged and said; "I think he really wants to do good for this country, I believe he's a good man with a good heart and I think he's incredibly intelligent and I trust him in my gut to run this country well.". I guess there's no arguing with that. Neither him nor I ever figured on the utter hatred of this man that would swarm Washington DC like a plague and we have tried to sit down and figure out WHY they hate him so much and honest, all we came up with is because he's got African in him and a Muslim name. Never in the history of this country has a President who's already been sworn in had detractors so vehemently demanded he show his birth certificate because they refused to believe he was an American, they didn't believe he was a Christian although he's only ever attended a Christian Church. I admired the strength of this President, this man who did not lower himself a level and engage in anything that could be viewed as snarky. Not that he doesn't have a great sense of humour, he sure does and he's cracked a few good jokes at republican's expense, but they earned it. I have also never heard of a political party proudly proclaim that they will vote NO to every single thing the sitting President tries to get done during his time in the White House. Are they 12? Oh wait, my son is 12 and he doesn't act like that...are they 2? They act like spoiled toddlers who stamp their widdle feet, hold their breath and pound their widdle fists against the walls until they get what they want and then there's our President, our ADULT President, always with his hand out, asking for teamwork, for some compromise. Every single time he's been told no, they will not compromise, they want what they want and they'll hold this entire country hostage until they get it. That whole debt ceiling thing was shameful, it was humiliating and it was utterly ridiculous. Again the republican's acted as small children, demanding their way, when their president, the man they hold up to God for comparison, Ronald Reagan raised the debt ceiling what...17 times? And Bush raised it like 7 or 9 times. But that's ok. They were republican's and oh yeah, white. They had Christian names. THAT'S where the difference is. There are still people out there, like the ever smarmy Donald "it's not a wig" Trump, who still don't believe he's an American citizen, like Mr. McCain wouldn't have exploited that for all it's worth. Like if there was even the smallest chance he wasn't born in the USA Hillary wouldn't have said "Uh, he can't run, he's not American." so she could have won it all. Like these things aren't fucking checked out thoroughly BEFORE someone runs for the Presidency of the United States of America! COME ON PEOPLE! THINK! Just for a little time! TRY to see beyond the colour of his skin, beyond his Muslim name! Just for a moment! Yeesh.

This whole thing about religion is pissing me off too. Michelle Bachmann, god what a brain trust she is, brings religion, Jesus, God and Christianity into everything she says. You know what? One of the reasons our Forefathers/mothers came to this country to begin with was for the freedom to worship whatever God they wanted to worship and then they wanted to separate Church and State...they wanted religion OUT of politics and for a good reason. I'm glad for Bachmann that she thinks she's such a "good Christian woman", and I respect her right to be one, but please do not push your religion or beliefs onto me, I have a brain, I know how to use it and I have done really damned well for 44 years now. Thanks though. One thing I find hilarious is how American Christians forget that Jesus wasn't Christian, he wasn't white, he surely wasn't a gun-toting Southerner (and I don't think every Southerner is gun-toting, I like Southerners) and he surely didn't believe a man was less  of a human being because he was different from himself. Jesus was Jewish. He had the dark skin and hair of the Middle Eastern peoples. He didn't have a gun because one of his messages was for peace. He respected everyone, even those who were different from him and who had their own beliefs. I mean doesn't it even say in the bible, the thing these right wing zealots thump for meaning, JUDGE NOT LEST YE BE JUDGED? I dunno, sometimes I'm slow, but I think that means God's saying you better not get all judgy because you're not me, you don't have the right because nobody is any better than anybody else. He made us all, if you subscribe to the Christian belief, in his image, right? Don't these overly religions republican's realise that not everyone in the world is white? There are people all over this entire planet that are Christian, who believe in the same bible, that adhere to the laws and principals of that bible, soooo...dark skin and that makes them unworthy? Isn't that a bit, oh I don't know, JUDGY? Maybe I'm too judgy, I do point my pointy finger some, but the right wing nutters get my special finger most of the time, the one I save for just them! ;o)

I have conversations about politics with my son and we've come to only a few conclusions. There have to be decent republican's out there but that they're so truly embarrassed by what is out there, loud and proud even when they shouldn't be, so they stay quiet. I refuse to think ALL republican's are racist, that they all hate our President though I'm sure they don't like him much, but that it has nothing to do with his skin or name. We've also come to the conclusion that there is NOBODY in the republican party right now who could even hope to give President Obama a run for his money next year. Now I say that tongue-in-cheek 'cos a lot of the Dems are upset with what is going on right now. What I say to them and to the republican's who demand that President Obama should have fixed everything by now is this. Seriously? It took Bush 8 years to drag us do the depths of a recession and you expect President Obama to fix it all in 2.5 years? Really? Even if he does have a magic wand that will fix everything I'm thinking it'll take longer than that to fix what Bush broke. He broke everything too, just everything. I'm so glad he's gone, nearly as glad as I am that the devil Cheney is gone. HA his book that's just come out, even republican's are scoffing at it. Except for the ever intelligent, never lying (cough,cough) Fox News Channel, they think it's Nobel Prize winning stuff. lol

Ah Fox News....I am a massive football/soccer fan and I have a hard time watching Fox Soccer Channel because they're affiliated with Faux News. I've actually canceled my FSC because I refuse to pump any of my hard earned, liberal loving money into their hate machine. I can and will watch my Arsenal online, and I will be proud of myself for not giving FNC anymore of my money! It seems that no matter how many times they're proven to have lied, how many times they've been called and proven racist, that they just keep on keepin' on. It's amazing in a way that makes my bowels contract in that way that makes you rush to the loo. Hannity and Limbaugh and formerly Glenn Beck and god don't forget the she-man Ann Coulter...4 of the most loathesome beings on this earth and all of them call FNC home. Well Beck did until they kicked him out 'cos nobody was watching him anymore. FNC doesn't seem to mind it when Limbaugh (who my son calls, funnily enough, Limbog) spouts his racist rhetoric, when he calls our President racist things. It's all ok, it's fine. Then they have the nerve to demand our Vice President Joe Biden apologise because he called them a bunch of terrorists for what they did with the debt ceiling debacle. Really people? Watermelon's, bones in the President's nose, using the "N" word on air...that's ok but god don't call a bunch of people who held this country hostage terrorists? Okey doke, gotcha. ::winkwink::

I gotta say I'm glad my Grandpa isn't around to see what is going on in the country he risked his life for, he'd be so disgusted he'd probably move us all up to Canada or something, or maybe back to the mother-land of Poland, although there's Russian in me, Slovack and so many other things it sounds rather painful to separate and spread myself among all of my peeps out there! Ok getting off track there....anyway...

I really hope every single person who will be voting next year takes a real good, long, hard look at who they're planning on voting for before they actually vote. I hope everyone does their homework and votes with intelligence because there is so much at stake. For us women, do we really want to lose our right to do with our bodies as we see fit? Pro-life, Pro-Choice, anti this and anti that...IMO NOBODY has the right to tell another human being what they can or cannot do with their own bodies. Especially men, until the day they are able to get pregnant, carry, give birth to and care for a baby, do NOT have as much of a voice in what a woman CHOOSES and they never should. The debate over when life begins will never be agreed on by everyone, but every woman should have the basic human right to not go through with something she does not want to nor should she be forced to listen to a heartbeat so it makes that already difficult decision just that much harder. Now honestly, I'm vehemently PRO CHOICE, I strongly believe every woman is due the right to do as she needs to do for herself, her health and her life, but personally I could never and would never have an abortion but I would drive any woman who wanted to have one to the clinic, I'd support her and I'd do what needed to be done because I do NOT have a right to push my beliefs off on her. I'm not the one who would be raising that child. There are republican's out there who refuse to allow a child who was raped by a man an abortion, as if her little, immature body, can easily give birth, as if it was all somehow her fault she got raped by an adult and got pregnant. There are republican's out there who would refuse a woman an abortion to save her own life, even when she's got other children who are already here and living and needing her. That's just fucking insane. I'm not saying there aren't women out there who use abortion as a means of birth control, but I am not responsible for her choice or her soul. Those women will have to answer to whatever power for their decisions one day, or not, depending on beliefs I suppose. Why so many are so concerned with what a woman chooses is beyond me, and I don't for one second believe that they give a toss for the unborn, if they did they'd not be so against any and all programs that would help support those unborn children when they're actually here in the world!

All of this has been said over and over again, but maybe it should be. Maybe it's what it'll take for people to wake up and let people live as they see fit. Of course I don't mean lawlessness should rule, lets not get silly here. I'm just talking about people having a right to live as they see fit within the rules and laws of society. What my neigbour does in the privacy of his/her bedroom is none of my business as long as nobody gets hurt or is forced to do something they don't want to do. 2 consenting adults. Why are so many people so homophobic? What are they so afraid of? What does 2 men or 2 women together have to do with their own lives? How does equality in marriage rights that allow gay people what everyone else does every day going to ruin hetero marriage? Are they affraid more people are gonna go gay? I'm a woman, I think women are cool but I like having sex with men (now if only they liked having sex with me...hmmmm...lol), it's no big deal. If I found out my one and only child was gay? So? I'd worry that the world was going to hurt him of course and I'd probably go mental supporting his right to marriage, happiness and a life without persecution...Life is hard enough for everyone, why add to it?

So ok I'm done, I've got myself a headache now and I gotta be up @3am for work and it's now 7pm so it's time for bed. Ciao people. Live and let live, help when it's needed and treat others with respect.

Ok so I finished this post about 15 minutes ago and then went onto Facebook only to find out the latest bullshit the republican's are pulling...unbelievable that Mr. Boehner has the balls to tell the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES that he will not be meeting with him at the time or on the day that the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES has chosen!! REALLY?! Wow. Just when you think it's safe to go back into the political waters...

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