29 October 2011

Paranormal Activity 3

So ok, I've seen all 3 of the PA films now, the third one I went and saw at the cinema. I didn't see the other 2 at the cinema, I was much smarter I guess. I thought the third one was a bit confusing, my son and I had to talk about it for a while before we really got the gist of what we saw but in the end we both agreed, it scared the shit out of us! I've gotta say this is truly a frightening trilogy!! Scary enough for me to NEVER own them! lol Remember, that's my rule, anything that scares me like that will never grace my dvd shelves! Speaking of films that scare the shit outta me, non other than the woman who scared me as a child more than any other human being in the world is in Chicago, and I just adore her! Linda Blair is here in Chicago, there are 2 cinema's showing The Exorcist this weekend and she's going to both places for 1 showing! I'd so love to sit in the dark to watch that film but I'd be afraid to like scream and embarrass myself in front of her! I think she's gorgeous and has not aged and I just adore her for all the hard, hard work she does for animal shelters! I long ago made the decision to get any and all of my fur babies from shelters only, and donate food or supplies whenever my bank account lets me, which is sadly not very often. I always thought it would be such a great idea for shelters to "rent" out dog stalls, for certain amounts of time, where people then support whatever animal is living there until he/she is adopted. I have it all worked out in  my head but am too tired to type it out now, but I think it would be a pretty popular program and it would take a lot of pressure off of facilities that have no real choice but to be shelters that put animal's down after a certain amount of time. Have it be rentable by week or month or even by year, set certain amounts that will cover food and litter (for cats obviously) and maybe even a program where the person who is "renting" the stall can come in once a week or so to spend some time cleaning it and taking care of the dog or cat. I know I'd do it, I can't volunteer because I have quite the crazy schedule but I'd be able to go at least once a week to help out like that. And I could maybe "rent" a stall one week and skip a couple 'cos it's that time when all my bills are due and then pick up a couple more weeks later. I dunno, I suppose that would be hard to work out and there are always people who would sign up for things like that and not go through with it but really, for the most part I think it could work. Better brains than mine would have to work it out, I had hard enough time just coming up with the idea! lol

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