25 January 2012

Commercials that are just outright WACK!

So ok there are these 3 commercial's that drive me right up the wall...I mean to the point that they make me scream!

1) The one for the paper throw away towels for the bathroom...you know...'cos that towel you used to use to dry off your CLEAN hands is just soooooo germy. (insert vomit sounds here) So ok do they realise that yes, you're drying off your hands that you've probably just used anti-bacterial soap on to clean? So I mean ok how can the towel be that dirty? Sure if you keep it there for 7 months you should probably change it, however in this day and age of EVERYTHING MUST BE GREEN, is this company serious about pushing an item that will further garbage? And do people fall for it? Aren't most people smarter than that? I hope so!

2) The one for the hand soap for the bathroom that you don't have to touch. Now the angle they use here is how CLEAN you're hands will be because you're not touching some germy pump to get the soap out onto your hand. Ok first of all? If anything in your bathroom is that dirty and germy it may be time to go buy some new cleaning supplies and spend a good Saturday afternoon cleaning the damned bathroom! I'm not the tidiest person in the entire world but even my bathroom is clean! I mean how can a person be clean if the place in which he/she cleans themselves is dirty and germy? Second of all, and the big kicker that drives me to make up swear words is this...who cares if the pump has a few germs on it? I mean you're probably using anti-bacterial soap right? So ok you touch that horribly germy pump to get the soap out right? Well now your hands will be smeared through-and-through with ANTI BACTERIAL SOAP in which you will now use to CLEAN YOUR HANDS! Of course then you'll just ruin it all and use that filthy towel instead of the paper towels, right? ;o)

3) Finally, last but not least annoying, is for the mascara that I believe is called no more falsies or something like that...where the size 0 model tells you this mascara is sooooooo fab that you'll never have to use fake eyelashes again 'cos the mascara will make them look WONDERFUL! Ok, my beef with this one? WHY IS EVERY FUCKING MODEL IN THIS COMMERCIAL WEARING TONS OF FAKE EYELASHES?!!!!! I mean COME ON for fucks sake! Are we supposed to be that stupid that we don't notice the fake eyelashes? (snort) Whatever.

There is this one commercial for a dating service that drives me and my son out of our minds 'cos the song is SO HORRIBLE we rush and nearly kill ourselves just to mute the sound, and the annoying voice of the woman trying to get you to sign up with them to find TRUE LOVE. I know plenty of people who have found love via these sites and that's why I have nothing against them, it's just that song, and that girl's voice. She sounds fucking suicidal. Someone please give her the pills or razor blade so I don't have to ever see that commercial again! Anyway it's just too damned stomach churning how "cute" the "not-yet-a-couple" are...how they both sleep the same and how they...blech, can't even go on about it...makes me physically ill. Barf.

So yeah that's my bitch for this month....good thing the month is over!

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