13 February 2012

RIP Whitney

I've said it before and I'll say it again, music, good music, can transport you back to a single point in time from the first chords until the last. Right down to a feeling you could have had and smell. To this day I can put on a Spandau Ballet song and be back in my bedroom as a teenager, writing in one of my many stories and I'll remember everything from the weather of a specific day to the smell of dinner that we had. That goes to say I get that with Duran as well, obviously. This morning I was watching Good Morning America because I knew they'd be talking about Whitney Houston's passing and I wanted to know if they'd learned anything new but instead they were playing clips from her earliest videos and those songs saw me right back in high school. Right back in the hallways of Stagg High School, between classes, the clamour to get to the next class BUT the importance of that conversation that just has to take place with at least half a dozen friends before the bell rings! I swear to god I could even smell that evil, crappy school! Now I'm not going to lie and say I was this huge Whitney Houston fan or that I ever bought even one of her singles because I wasn't and I didn't, but that doesn't mean I didn't think she had the most beautiful voice. She did. That doesn't mean that her music wasn't a huge part of my teenage years because it was. Back when I was in high school you couldn't put on a radio for 2 minutes without hearing at least one Whitney Houston song. She was inescapable.

Then she went and made that film The Bodyguard and not only was her music from that ageless, Gary Kemp was in it with her! I had no idea he was in that film when I went with my friend to see it. She was a huge Kevin (gag) Costner fan so she paid for my ticket as it was the only way to get me to go see a film with him in it. So imagine my utter shock, having missed his name on the credits due to dropping half the contents of my purse, upon seeing his handsome face on the big screen! Anyway....again we had more music from Whitney and again she was just absolutely everywhere.

When Michael Jackson died I was heartbroken as I was a huge fan of his and I had bought his music because I loved it so much and him. Whitney I may not have been a huge fan of but her music still touched my life and for that alone I am heartbroken that her life is over. I had thought that her life was on the right track, I had hope that her music would again rule the airwaves, that she'd show these women today how it's done. The fact that we'll never get another new Whitney song breaks my heart. As a mother my heart goes out to her mother and as a daughter my heart goes out to her daughter and as a fan of great music, my heart misses Whitney. May she rest now, may she be happy and able to be with her daughter in some way that will help her get through this.

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