21 February 2012


Is this really 2012? Is it really the 21st century? Didn't women fight for, and win, freedom to be considered able to make choices for themselves? Why is all this coming into question again? Why are so many MEN trying to take all our rights away? Who the fuck do they think they are? Why do these REPUBLICAN MEN think they have any right to an opinion on what any woman does or doesn't do with her own body? It's just something I cannot wrap my brain around!

Roe v Wade came and became law and ever since MEN have tried to have it repealed. Granted there are quite a few women out there who have tried and continue to try to take these rights away and I honestly don't even give them the benifit of having a right to an opinion because they're women and should know better. Why do republican MEN want women to have to go back to the alley's to have abortions? I gotta think they're intelligent enough to know that making abortions illegal will no more stop them than prohibition stopped drinking, it'll just get a lot of women killed or rendered sterile. And can these MEN honestly say that it's their "faith" that is telling them abortion is wrong? Don't they see what I said there? THEIR BELIEF...THEIR FAITH...that does not have anything to do with a woman who seeks an abortion right this minute. There are so many reasons why women seek abortions and I'm not silly enough to think there aren't women out there who use it as a form of birth control but those women are such a small percentage...the women who seek out abortions do not come to the decision easily, it's not as if she's trying to decide which pair of shoes to wear or not, and it's something she will have to live with for the rest of her life. And just because you may not see her suffering on the outside does not mean she's not suffering on the inside. I know women who have had abortions and a part of them dies when it's over with. How can it not? I was in a position like this, I had a decision to make and my decision was not abortion but that does not mean putting my child up for adoption was an easy thing to do or a better solution, it was my CHOICE. MY DECISION. No MAN made my decision for me, I did not ask a MAN for his opinion and if one had given it to me it would not have mattered. I chose adoption because it was best for ME. Every woman has that right to make a CHOICE, and every woman who has to make that CHOICE has to live with it for the rest of her life. How do I know my child didn't suffer? Isn't suffering? How do I know I made the right CHOICE? Because it's the CHOICE I could live with no matter the outcome. If my child did or does suffer I'll carry that with me and I'll wish with my heart and soul that his/her situation will improve and I'd move heaven and earth to help if given a chance. I made a CHOICE though, and I'd make that same CHOICE right now if confronted with it again. I had a friend who had an abortion and I drove her to the clinic, I waited for her, I drove her home and took care of her for a couple days until she was back up on her feet physically...I was there for her for years, however, helping her to live with her CHOICE. No woman comes to the decision to abort a pregnancy easily, no matter what those asshole REPUBLICAN MEN tell you and how would they know anyway? IMO they have no voice until the moment they have a working uterus and ovaries and can bring forth life in their bodies. Until they have a CHOICE to make.

Not only are we constantly fighting to hold onto our right to CHOICE but now there are states trying to take away birth control. I'm sorry but how stupid are these REPUBLICAN MEN? I mean ok I know they're pretty fucking stupid but don't they realise that the majority of women who are no longer able to use birth control will STOP having sex? If women are not allowed control over their reproductive lives then we'll have to do the only thing left for us to do, we'll buy a few toys and have some solo fun...no big deal. We'd probably be happier and more satisfied. ;o) It's horrifying that anyone would even consider, in 2012, taking away birth control! And to top it all off? I can't remember his name, just that he is a REPUBLICAN MAN, or a priest or something but REPUBLICAN and MALE all the same, insists that insurance MUST continue to cover viagra....'cos of course MEN only have sex in order to procreate and that is what viagra is for. @@ I mean really, even my 13 year old son laughed at that one because it's so utterly ridiculous! Preposterous. So again MEN telling women that they cannot have birth control (because for a huge majority of sexually active women, if they didn't have insurance they wouldn't be able to afford birth control) covered by insurance and they cannot have an abortion when they get pregnant...see why this is so frustrating yet?

Then you've got fucking Virginia trying to force into law that a woman seeking an abortion has to not only have an ultrasound that is utterly and completely unneccessary, but she has to have a probe shoved into her vagina to have said ultrasound! Unbelievable, isn't it? By Virginia law rape occurs when a woman is penetrated against her will, shoving a probe into her vagina in order to give her an unneeded, unwanted and totally unneccessary ultrasound is, then, rape. Simple as that. She does not want to be penetrated. Rape. By Virgina law. Fucked up shit that. Again these laws are being written by MEN and are trying to be forced into law by MEN. I just get visions of horny REPUBLICAN MEN jacking off to the images of probes and vagina's in their heads. Probably the only way they can get it up.

So in the end we go back to the beginning and the war against women. We will obviously have to take to the streets like they did in the 20's to give women the right to vote and in the 60's for reproductive rights. I know history repeats itself but isn't this just ridiculous? Aren't we, as a society, supposed to PROGRESS? Why are there these MEN out there who want to just drag us women back to the kitchen? Why are MEN so afraid of women? I mean that's gotta be it right? If they weren't afraid of us, if they weren't threatened by our vagina's and how much power they wield over MEN things would be different. All I know is it pisses me off and there have been many things that have done that to me before but nothing ever got me ready to go fight, to go march, as this does. I cannot and will not sit by and let other women take this on alone, I have to be part of it this time. I have to show my son how to respect women and love women without fear of the vagina. I want him to understand that when a woman loves she loves completely, with more than just her vagina. Meh I'm outtie 'cos I'm just pissed off and not making any sense anymore. Ugh. You'd honestly think I hated MEN, but I don't. Just certain MEN.

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