29 March 2012


Oh what a week I've had! Tuesday I ate some bad meat and biscuits that apparently I'm allergic to so I had a horrible reaction, the vomiting, the diarrhea, the swelling, the itching, the rash....the fainting. It was not a good scene. I ended up in the ER and a lovely night in the hospital, I nearly died because my blood pressure was 50. That's it, just 50...no bottom number. An epi pen shot helped but made me shake uncontrollably, vomited one more time and then all was back to something resembling normal. I was in the hospital where I work and was pleasantly surprised at the level of compassion and treatment I received! Top notch! I'd highly recommend it to be honest, and that did surprise me 'cos you hear so many stories, but that's with every hospital. I have a few about the hospital where I had my son. Shit happens everywhere.

However when shit happens in Florida and a 17 year old African American young man ends up dead and the man who killed him is free and there is as of right now, no plans on arresting him, there is something mighty wrong going on in this crazy ass country of mine! Every single day this Zimmerman's "posse" is coming up with different stories, different excuses, but in the end? There is a 17 you old kid who was walking home with iced tea and Skittles who did nothing to intimidate anyone lying in a box in the ground and has no idea the fight going on because he's dead. And he shouldn't be dead. This silly excuse that Zimmerman was protecting himself from great bodily harm...well first of all there should be a mark on him somewhere and there is now video of him getting out of the cop car woundless...so there goes that one imo. Then on top of it all President Obama took some time out of his busy schedule to say a few words on tv for the parents and now the 2 or 3 lines are being considered a hate speech. I mean really, you can go on and hate him for all your worth and swear to everything in the world and beyond that it's not because of the colour of his skin (and I'll still say bullshit), but to say that what the President said was hate-filled? That's a fucking stretch, even for the losers who are saying it. It really makes me wanna slam my head against the wall. 

And of course the healthcare reform act is up again and it's driving me nuts. I mean it's ok for the government to tell us to buy car insurance but it's not constitutional to have us buy healthcare? Really? I swear these moron's haven't got half a brain-cell to rub together.

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