01 August 2012

I'm not sure where this is going to end...actually I'm not all that clear on how it's gonna start either so...here goes nothing!

Things I've been upset about is basically the same things as I've been upset about...men...MEN...trying to tell women what they can or cannot do with their bodies. That'll always piss me off. But I'm going to take this a bitty bit further and express how not only upset I am with other women who want to take away our rights to choose, but how much it depresses me. I've always thought that women understand things better than men, no offense men it's my opinion, and that we use our hearts when deciding things, but these days there are so many intolerant women out there it saddens me. It makes me angry that so many women not only want to tell other women what they can do with their bodies but that they feel vindicated by what it says in a fictional book they thump and call the word of God. First of all, we all already know I think the bible is a bunch of nice stories but the word of God? Yeah not so much. If I ever meet God and he/she tells me different, well then I'll apologize and actually mean it, but for now...that's the deal. Now I love to debate, I like expressing my feelings and thoughts on things and hearing/reading others thoughts and opinions...I especially love it when the other person is trying so hard to make their point that they completely ignore the fact that I am also allowed to have my own and they say "You're so intolerant of other opinions"...that just cracks me up. It's like "Ok you can think what you want as long as you agree with me, if you don't then you're intolerant, especially if you've got the nerve to continue debating the topic.". I was unaware that the second we don't agree I'm being intolerant...I thought that was the entire point behind debating...two differing opinions, two different people coming together to hash it out respectively, but I suppose that's just too much to ask for. Oh well, not my problem. I, however, will make it my problem when another person's actual intolerance will curtail my rights in this world and other people's rights. Little by little a woman's right to choose and her right to have not only adequate healthcare but healthcare period in some instances and in others, awesome healthcare, are being chiseled away, mostly by men who will NEVER get pregnant, NEVER have a uterus or breasts, though men do get breast cancer. Fat, rich, mostly white, old men are telling me what sin is, telling me what is right and wrong and demanding I agree with them and give up my rights. I mean do women not realise that giving up these rights means we're going to basically go back to being pregnant and barefoot and chained to the house again? Did our mother's, grandmothers, aunt's and older sisters fight for nothing back in the 60z and 70z? Did they burn their bra's for the fuck of it, so some weak-willed and weak-minded women today can hold up a fictional book and demand everyone believe as they do? It's just so frustrating how religion is swiftly becoming everyone's crutch and power to step down on the neck of not only women's rights but democracy. Freedom of speech and freedom of religion is being creamed if you do not speak as they speak and worship as they worship. 9-11 was a horrific day, obviously, and to this day you can walk down any street in America and ask people how they feel about Muslim's and they'll say they don't trust 'em because of what happened on that day, not understanding that some of the most horrific things that have happened in this country alone were caused by Christians. Muslims are no better nor any worse than anyone else in this world...you simply cannot paint all Muslims as terrorists because what a handful of extremists....wait, notice that word, extremists E X T R E M I S T S.....that means those people are EXTREME in their view point, that they go above and beyond (usually in a fly-the-plane-into-the-buildings sort of way) what normal people would do. I've known many Muslims and the one thing I can say is that, besides fighting with siblings just like every other American siblings do, they're a very peaceful people. I don't blame ALL Christian's for burning down buildings and killing doctors because of abortions...why blame all Muslims for 9-11? Now I do feel that women are very oppressed in the Middle East but I also truly believe that their time in history is yet to come. I trust that Middle Eastern women will find a way to honour their God, their religion, and their need to be strong and independent and I honestly think that they're well on their way NOW! 

So basically I guess I'm gonna bitch about women's rights around the world...and now I'm done 'cos I'm hungry and it's time for lunch. Funny side note? I have given up soda for about a month now but I took my son to see THE BATMAN film yesterday and had a large soda.....I was sat in that freakin' dark cinema bouncing around due to the caffeine and sugar, I felt like shit by the end of the film because it was all wearing off and I've decided even more strongly now to never allow soda past my lips again...my son has also given it up and couldn't believe how disgusting the soda tasted yesterday. There is not one reason to drink that shit if you ask me, it's so full of chemicals and bad things that it so far outweighs the benefits of the caffeine boost. Drink coffee if you need that boost. I've been off it for a month now like I said and I honestly find myself sleeping better at night and NOT needing caffeine to wake up in the morning and people? I get up at fucking stupid o'clock for work...3am. Yes, people do get UP at that time...not only go to bed. lol Pepsi, at least, has the throwback formula that uses regular sugar so that's less evil on your body, but the amount of sugar is still utterly ridiculous. I've noticed that stores around here import Coke and Pepsi from Mexico now...why when these things are made here? BECAUSE THEY USE ONLY REAL SUGAR and not that high fructose corn syrup bullshit...THAT shit needs to be made illegal if you ask me and I don't care if that makes me even slightly intolerant, it's so incredibly harmful to the body that I cannot understand why it's legal. Ok now I'm off...lunch and iced tea with only lemon and NO sugar is calling me! I cannot believe I've learned to not only drink tea with no sugar but I LOVE IT now! Weird right?

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