14 June 2012

This So Called WAR ON WOMEN

Don't let the right fool you, there IS a war on women...against women. Suddenly it's dangerous to have both a brain and a vagina. There seem to be quite a few conservative men in this country who want the women in this country to go back to the 50z, be good little girls and do everything we're told to do by those big, strong, smart men. ::snort:: Yeah sure, what the fuck evahhhh.... I never listened to begin with, why start now, half way through my life? I was not built to listen to men, I barely listen to my mum. I'm hard-wired to NOT trust men or their ideas, it takes a lot for me to give men credit that they're due....because most of the time they're not due any if you ask me. No I'm not a man-hater, I love men, I just hate controlling men.

In Michigan, Rep Lisa Brown and Rep Barb Byrum were banned from speaking on the house floor by Majority Floor Leader John Stamas. Why? Because of what she said about late-term abortion. This was her comment....

Wherever there is a question of the life of the mother or that of the unborn child, Jewish law rules in favor of preserving the life of the mother. The status of the fetus of human life does not equal that of the mother.
I have not asked you to adopt and adhere to my religious beliefs. Why are you asking me to adopt yours?
And finally,  Mr. Speaker, I’m flattered that you’re all so interested in my vagina, but no means no.”

Can someone please show me where she spoke so horribly that she should have been and should continue to be banned from speaking out? Oh I guess it's because she doesn't adhere to the fucking Christian bullshit belief that abortion is a sin. The thing is I would give these asshole's a chance to convince me about this whole abortion/anti-choice but when you realise that they don't give a shit about that fetus after it's been born in my world they have NO voice. You can't see my POV because you're too fucking busy thumping your bible that was written over 2 thousand years ago in a language that has been dead for over a thousand years then I shall close my mind and ears. I cannot and I will not sit still and have religious zealots tell me how to run my life, how to think and what I can and cannot do with my body. Nobody has the right to tell another human being what to do or what they are not allowed to do with their body. I think the thing that pisses me off just about the most is how these people are all anti-choice, pro-death penalty and definitely against any sort of programs that would help feed and clothe and shelter that fetus a woman was forced to bring into this world. The second that fetus breathes and becomes a child they do not give a toss about it but damn it let it be born so it can struggle, starve, be uneducated, possibly abused and neglected....damned straight. ::snort:: 

I really do not get why all of a sudden these conservative men think they have any right to tell a woman she should not have the ability to prevent a pregnancy, but a man has the right to those little blue pills so he can get it up and impregnate her. That women haven't the right to terminate a pregnancy for any reason at any time but once that child is born it's her problem, not the government's and definitely it's not the conservative's problem.

Nothing tends to infuriate me more than  a man thinking he has the right to tell a woman what she can do or not do with her body. It blows my mind. I'd never presume to tell anyone what to do, I have a hard time telling my kid what to do. Ok no I don't but I do let him always have a say and I have him make most of the decisions that effect him. If I don't teach him how to make his own decisions then some idiot conservative will have an easier time convincing him of things I would hope he knows better than to agree with. I'm lucky he's so politically aware and that he agrees with me, if anything he's a tad too liberal for my tastes. lol But as a young man he has asked me why suddenly it's so bad to have a vagina and a brain, I have no answers for him because I just don't know. I don't get it. I want my own answers just as Ms. Brown and Ms. Byrum would like answers as to why they've basically been banned from doing their jobs. It's supposed to be a good thing to have opposing ideas so that a conversation can be had and that, in the end hopefully the best answer is given and done. In the world as we know it today, that is just not how it is. The conservatives want their way, they want everyone to be bible thumping christians, they want every woman silenced and to obey, they want the rich to get richer whilst the middle class and below have their necks stomped on by their own feet. They want to shove their beliefs down our throats and they're the first ones frustrated when things don't work like that in the real world. Don't even get me going on this damned voter purge going on in Florida, don't get me going on how it's spreading to every fucking state with a goddamned republican governor and don't even get me going on how utterly pathetic and obvious it is. These rich, entitled, spoilt white men are so offended that the President of the United States of America is not only a black man, but has a father who was Muslim and has a Muslim name. They're so afraid that this man who is our President may actually do some good that they'll spend billions...BILLIONS...on electing some fuckwad rich, snobby, out-of-touch, lying-through-his-capped-teeth, mom jeans wearing twat that they cannot stand. What's that idiot's name out there in Nevada...some casino tycoon, the one willing to spend endless billions on getting the twat elected even though he'd probably rather peel the skin from his face and ignore that silly little fact that he made 21.somethingridiculous BILLION dollars last year under Obama....but lets get that black guy out of office. Can't have a BLACK MAN in the WHITE HOUSE after all. Makes me so ashamed to be white. At least the KKK are up front and honest about their hatred and why they do the things they do, you can almost respect them for their honestly, they don't hide behind billions of dollars and stupid, lying excuses as to why they want the black man out of office. Notice I did say ALMOST there.

It's basically all the same bullshit, we've not progressed as a human beings. We've not enlightened our existences. Women are still seen as things, property, open your legs for men in the bedroom and be the whore he wants but read your bible when he goes and does his "manly" duties out in the world. ::snort:: Yeah right, fuck you who believe that shit and please do fuck right off. I think I'm most offended at the women who call themselves conservatives and republican's who are agreeing with this shit! I mean do they not understand if this shit is allowed to happen that eventually THEY WILL BE OUT OF A JOB? They will be made to sit home and service their husbands. Fuck that shit. I'll be a whore when I want to be a whore for a man who deserves me to be his whore. :o) Otherwise I tell those men that god gave them 2 good hands, put them to good use and fucking leave me alone. 

I would ask for forgiveness for all the bad language I've used, but I just don't care if it offends, I'm offended so it's my fucking turn to offend. I was not brought up to use such language but some times it's just necessary. Shock value I suppose. Not that anyone ever reads my blog, but I have fun writing them....when I get a chance to gather my many scattered thoughts and type them off. I know there is much more I'd like to say about this but I'm done for now...I'm tired. I'm sick and tired. I cannot wait for November and my chance to vote for President Barrack Obama again!


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