03 May 2011


Reality tv, love it or hate it? Well which ever one it is it seems to be here to stay. Personally I hate it. There is no "reality" to most of it. I mean wtf cares about selfish people who live on the Jersey Shore? Who cares about housewives in any country enough to watch them for an hour per week? Is it really necessary for there to be a show where, at the end of the season, a man or woman gets married? Is that seriously how some people want to find a life mate? Now I won't lie and say I don't watch some shows because I do. Not many, ok three, and I consider them guilty pleasures but I will say that 2 out of the 3 at least take talent so that makes me feel less...icky...that I watch them. :o) Now if you like reality tv that's fine but I have to agree with quite a few musicians whom I've heard say that Pop/American Idol have ruined the music business. Why do I agree? Gone are the days when hard working, talented bands can work their collective asses off and get somewhere in the world...now all it takes is to be pretty or cute for little girls to vote for you and for you to get rich and famous. Gone are the days where you have to have actual talent. Lady Gaga may not be my cuppa but the girl's got talent and flash and an understanding of what to put out there that she can be proud of...she's definitely taken up for Madonna if you ask me. No it's kids like Justin B. who get on my last nerve. He's cute, he's got little girls wetting themselves over him but he goes and cuts his hair and they hate him? Tell me they didn't just like him 'cos he's cute, that they liked his music. I felt bad for the kid when that happened, a bit of reality biting him in the backside. I'm sure it doesn't keep him up at night and it sure does seem that he has a high opinion of himself. I remember when a certain singer on American Idol was told she'd never get anywhere because she was seen as "fat"...after winning countless grammy's, an Oscar, Golden Globe and other awards? I'm sure Jennifer Hudson isn't sweating what that idiot said to her. See it bugs me that women like her aren't given a chance, women or men, who have the talent just because they're not pretty enough. That pig Cowel kept putting that chick through who wore a bikini though and didn't have an iota of talent...yeah, whatever.

The shows I do watch are Dancing with the Stars, Project Runway and America's Next Top Model. The first two I feel vindicated in watching because DWTS, it takes something I sure as hell don't have to learn to dance! These stars, the majority of them have never danced like that before but they keep coming back, week after week, getting better and it's a pleasure to watch. Project Runway...it takes tremendous talent to make something a person can wear out of a swath of fabric. I can barely sew on a button or hem trousers and I do that by hand 'cos I haven't a bloody clue how to use a sewing machine! That one is my absolute favourite reality tv show! Ok ANTM isn't anything but a guilty pleasure but I've always been into fashion, hair, make up and stuff like that so it's just a natural for me to love this show. I do admit to missing the last 2 season's and that bugs me. How dare I miss them! Ok I do watch a lot of paranormal television and I guess those are reality television shows...Ghost Hunters, Ghost Adventures and Paranormal State are my favourite but PS is done now which makes me sad. Do I believe in that stuff? I sure as hell do! I've had my experiences with the paranormal but that's another blog. ;o) And do trust me that I watch these shows knowing that it could be faked but once in a while they shock you with what they show.

So yeah, reality tv bugs me 'cos it's usually anything but real...but like I said before, I guess it ain't goin' nowhere...bummer. Most of it should go far, far away.

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