13 May 2011

Welcome Back Me!

So couldn't really start my diet thingy yesterday as Blogger was down the entire day. Here's what I ate though.

Thursday> I began my day @4am for work.

1 yogurt
1 cup of granola for yogurt
3 bottles of water
1 sandwich on whole grain wheat bread
1 container/serving of 100 calorie potato chips
2 pork chops, thin cut, cooked in Olive Oil and spices
1 cup apple sauce
1 cup noodley thing
1 cup vanilla ice cream

Friday> Began my day @4am for work.

1 yogurt
1 cup granola for yogurt
3 bottles of water throughout my work day
1 can Pepsi (only had 3 hours of sleep so I needed the caffeine!)
2 left over pork chops
3 table spoons apple sauce
1 table sauce noodley thing
1 serving size of veggie sticks
2 cups spaghetti w/mushrooms

So it seems I'm not doing so bad eh? I figure if I want ice cream, I'll have it, just won't eat the entire thing! I eat vanilla because it's lactose free and I can only find it in vanilla. Am very VERY lactose INtolerant, cannot even think about cheese without getting stomach cramps! I get very, very ill. Work is all the exercise I need so I don't walk or anything. No seriously, I cart these bins of linen around that weigh anywhere from 200lbs to 700 so I think after 8 hours of that? I'm all exercised! Plus walking all over the hospital and lifting heavy linen and bending and reaching? Yeah, exercise, check. :o) I am seriously considering getting one of those dance games for the XBox 360, like I said we have the Kinect for it and since PJ never used it once, I may as well right?! I LOVE to dance and don't consider that exercise 'cos it's fun and I know for a fact that you can lose a lot of weight doing that 'cos I've done it before!

So yeah, there ya go, my new way of life. It's not a diet, it's just...life. I know once I start to look better I'll feel better and it'll just go on from there.

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