27 May 2011

So NOT Fair!!!

Now I've grown way beyond being able to say "But that's not fair", if I were to say that now at 43 it comes out pathetic. Why, you ask? Because by my age you know nothing is fair and you just accept it. Or you change it. However, when it happens to you and it's against your permission? Then you're allowed to bitch and complain about it via your blog.

So ok today at work I was, yet again, the whipping girl. How? Somehow it became MY FAULT that someone didn't do his job yesterday. So lets go back to yesterday shall we? Every year we have reviews and this year mine was really good, shockingly so. One of the things I talked with my bosses about was the C Shift having too many things to do in an 8 hour work day. Ok we have Shifts A, B, and C, the A and B shift come in @4am and the C comes in @5am and all shifts have their own responsibilities and jobs to do. Yesterday (Thursday) I was the B shift and this guy was the C shift, now to give him some credit, he's new and he only worked from 5-9 but those were the hours our boss gave him. So he didn't like go home early or anything. Well one of his responsibilities is to stock linen in the room where the doctors get their linen when they use a bed during their long shifts, every hospital has them. Anywhoo..he didn't do it. It was one of the responsiblities that I felt the B shift person should take back on or that it should be moved to a different day because it's just too much for Thursday. So my boss comes trotting in today to confront my about why it wasn't done. I was like "Well you'd have to ask **** because it was his responsibility, not mine" to which I was told that everyone is responsible for everyone elses jobs and I have to learn how to communicate. Ok if it were my area to do and I couldn't get to it? I'd have told someone "Look, I didn't get round to the dr's room, can you do it for me" because 4 hours is not enough time to do 8 hours worth of work. He'd told me of a couple other things he'd not gotten to so it wasn't even in my realm of thought to think he didn't get to this area and really, why should it? Am I now responsible to make sure everyone does their fucking job? Am I going to be held accountable when everyone doesn't finish their work? WHY THE FUCK was this issue even brought up to me? Probably because the second she realised I wasn't the C shift person she had nowhere else to go with things and didn't want to look like a fool. Well it didn't work 'cos now I'm angry and now everyone in the hospital knows what happened. Now when I fuck up at work I'm aware of it and I acknowledge the fuck up when I get caught. It makes no sense to say "Oh I didn't do that" when I know bloody well I did! But don't you get in my damned face blaming me for someone elses mistake! This happened almost 12 hours ago and it's still making me so angry! I guess I didn't know I was supposed to run around behind this guy to make sure he does what he's supposed to do. Now I know he's new but he's been here long enough to know he's supposed to do this area, but the biggest problem is the fact that another co-worker does a lot of his stuff for him. Bad move. 'Cos it was on the tip of my tongue to say "Well tell ******* to stop doing ****'* jobs for him so he can learn what he's supposed to do" but alas, I didn't. I guess I'm not cut-throat enough.

Ok just wanted to get it down in hopes of forgetting it now...and being able to enjoy my fucking weekend. Gotta work Monday but no bosses will be there as its' a holiday, plus it's double time! WHOOHOOO!!! 16 hours of pay for only 8!!

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