10 May 2011

So ok it goes from being cold enough for the heat to still be on to me eyeing the air conditioner...in 2 days. Sunday night the heat kicked on, today it's mid 80z and really humid. I wish it would rain or that the humidity would just piss off. However, this is NOT me bitching about the heat, no, rather it's me bitching about fall one day and mid-summer the next. The flowers are all bloomin' though so I'm a happy girl as I adore flowers! I'm thinking of planting some here, even though it's an apartment there's a little bit of space to plant flowers. It looks pretty when there are flowers everywhere! The elderly people that live downstairs will love them and probably take care of them for me, not that I won't do that myself but I know they'll beat me to it! I think I'm gonna do this at the weekend! Get all sorts of pretty coloured flowers! Thing is, the area where I'm planting will flood if we get a massive storm...so I may want to find some sturdy flowers. Sturdy flowers that come in really pretty colours!

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