18 May 2011

Various Musings...

So first things first.....

I had today:

1 yogurt w/granola
blueberry bread
some noodly thing for lunch
1 soda
unbreaded fish
2 small chicken legs, baked

So again, feel good about not eating like a pig again!

Now onto various musings!!

I noticed something as I was driving home from the restaurant today and it struck me as so...sad. 2 people were waiting for the bus, a man and a woman. The man had his back to the woman and was reading a paper. Now what's sad to me is that here's two people waiting together but not speaking. Now I'm a chatty person so I usually bu...er...just start talking away when doing something like waiting for a bus, an elevator, anything really. I think I get it from my grandmother who would talk to anybody. I mean what a better way to spend a few moments of time waiting around than to have a conversation? Even if it's to bitch about the crap weather we've been having here in Chicago....grrr. Why do people just ignore each other like that? Are they afraid the other person is going to reject their offer of conversation? Slap them? Call the cops? Shoot them? I mean ok, you shouldn't judge someone by the way they look but sometimes it's hard not to and I figure if you want to look scary then prepare yourself to scare people. I mean back in my punk rock days? Of which there are NO PHOTO'S 'cos I'm smart like that. I knew I freaked people out so I wasn't offended or shocked when I freaked them out. I made fun of them. Like when me and my friend John had dyed our hair vivid blue and went to the local mall. Now in the late 80z it wasn't as commonplace as it is now and I remember this woman actually grabbed her toddler to her when she saw us. As if we were gonna either eat him or run off with him. So what do I do? I screamed "OH MY GOD JOHN IT HAPPENED AGAIN! YOUR HAIR IS BLUE!!!!" to which he screamed, covered his head in "shame" and ran. I nearly pee'd my pants laughing. The woman stomped off in a huff but wtf did she expect? I mean seriously. IT'S HAIR!!! It's not like either of us had horns and a tail and a forked tongue for fuck's sake! Seriously! BTW, I so gotta STOP saying seriously all the time, I mean really! @@ Anywhoo...I find it sad how people don't communicate if they don't have to. You can learn quite a bit about things that maybe you didn't know in a short time, I mean that person next to you that you've never met? He/She may know something that you don't that will change your life! Probably. Maybe not but are you going to risk it? I'm not. So on and on I chatter to people, who 99% of the time chatter right back!

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