01 May 2011

Can You Believe!?

So ok, religion, not a subject for polite company but this is my blog so I figure I have to blog about it. Now please take time to remember that not only is this My blog, its MY OPINION as well. I do not expect anyone to agree with me but if they do? Cool. I wanted to start this blog off with a BANG!! So, onward Christian soldiers! ;o)

I was brought up Roman Catholic. I was forced to attend CCD classes ( as they were called back then) but only went as far as my First Holy Communion. I was always left wondering who I was communing with to be honest, I mean I was always confused about who we were praying to: God or Jesus? Were they the same? I thought God was Jesus' father...so...confusion, see? So anyway I was, when a child, horrified at the figure suffering on the cross and I didn't understand why he was hanging there and didn't connect the dots provided by the church that he died for my sins. I was 7, had I sinned? How had I sinned? What had been my sin? Ok maybe I could grasp being mean to my little brother but seriously, if God/Jesus had him for a little brother they'd definitely grant me loads of slack on that one. I have to say that at my age now, 43, what is sin? I mean all the crap you hear from people on what sin is? Seriously? Like I highly doubt masturbation is a sin. It makes us giggle and snicker to talk about it be really, EVERYONE masturbates. So if that's a sin are we ALL going to hell? What a party that's gonna be! Is it temptation that God, in his/her infinite wisdom, bestowed upon us? Did God wire us for pleasure only to make it a sin and therefore not to be polluting heaven with our soul's? See these are the silly things that race through my brain about certain things. Moving on from self-pleasuring now...coveting. Isn't that another sin? Do you mean to tell me just about everyone who lives in an American suburb is going to hell? I mean isn't it true that in the 'burbs that once one person gets like a new car then everyone else on the block has to go out and get a new, bigger, more expensive car? Isn't that coveting? Or is that different? Is that greed, yet another sin? Or is it envy? SIN SIN SIN! Can we even get away from sin? I would think that it would take something like being locked in a padded room, complete with straight jacket, to be sin-free!

One thing that gets me about overly religious people is how judgy they are. The one's I've met. I won't say every single really religious person out there is judgy, I don't have a brush to paint that broad a statement. I will narrow it down to the really super religious people that I've met personally here so please keep that in mind. JUDGY! Why is it ok for them to be so judgy? Why do they think that how they believe is the one and only way? Did God come down and tell them that they're absolutely, 100% right? I must have missed that. Oh and my god are they GREEDY! (again, the people that I've met) They hate freely and they hate deeply and passionately. They hate anyone who doesn't believe as they do, they hate those who are different. They want to shove their beliefs down everyone's throats until we all choke. I'm sorry but do they think that's the way to "heaven"? If it is? Please let me go elsewhere! I do NOT want to spend an enternity with asshats like that! I also don't get how they follow the bible as absolute fact and think that it should be followed as fact. I mean wasn't it written in a dead language that we have no real way of knowing 100% whether or not we're TRANSLATING it correctly? Don't you think that people who spoke that language would have a different way of speaking to how we speak and therefore, saying it took 6 days to create the world? Maybe that's not exactly how it was written but just a translation? Maybe it was 6 millennia? I mean sure, there are some things in the bible that we should probably incorporate into our every day lives, such as live and let live and judge NOT lest ye be judged. That's a good one most people on this planet would do good to keep in mind.

On the other side of things I don't get are "atheists" and all I can say about that? The second something terrible happens in their life? Yeap, they're praying. I often wonder just who they're praying to since they insist there is no God. Look I don't know if there's a God or not, but it wouldn't surprise me to find out that yes, there is one and in my heart I do believe there is one. Maybe more, if I have to be honest. I just find "devout atheists" to be just as judgy and skewed in their views as the over religious to be. They have this belief that if you do believe in God that you're simple or just plain stupid, that's not very open minded, as they insist that they are. I think the worst i ever got was when I was agnostic. I questioned. I didn't know if there was a God but I wasn't going to close my mind to the possibility that there could be. Look all I know is anytime I've ever prayed things have gone well. It could be that "Prayer" is nothing more than centering yourself and putting positive energy out into the world and having it come back to you but it could also be that someone was listening and helped me out. My Grandmother was a very religious person but not in a judgy way at all. Actually I'd say she was more spiritual that religious. She was one of two truly spiritual people I've ever met in my entire life. She was the sort who would help a total stranger no matter if it was to give them money for the bus, or to give them a place to sleep or to help someone get sober. She did it all. She wanted her family to be spiritual as she was but accepted that we just weren't. She didn't judge us. I do believe that some of her belief has stuck with me through out my life and even when I questioned I had certain faith because of her. She was a very strong force in my life, she shaped a lot of who I am. She wasn't perfect but I don't think she ever strove to be, she was Grandma. She taught me kindness, tolerance and how to love and how to have faith.

So I guess my wishiest wish would be for people to find tolerance. I know it won't happen in my lifetime, probably not even in my son's either, but maybe one day. We still war over religion, who's God is better and that is just such bullshit. To hate someone because of which God they bend knee to, or because of sexual orientation? Is that "Godly"? Is that what God wants us to learn and is that what God wants us to proceed with? The Catholic Church does preach about a forgiving God, well what sort of God would put the "gay" into people and not be ok with it? I have 2 cousins who are gay, one I was completely shocked to find out about when he came out and the other one? I remember thinking when I was about 5 that he crushed on boys the same way as I did, and he was only 7 so it's not as if he "learned" it or "decided" to be gay at that age. Kids just don't make choices like that. So that's why I always knew it was something he was born with, like I was born with the definite love for boys! ;o) Oh and how those religious people love to beat up on gay people!! There's that judgy thing again! I would also point out that there is a certain political party who also beat up on gay people and are very judgy and believe that we have to all believe as they do, but that's another blog topic....and trust me, that rant is coming soon enough!

So what I don't get most about religion is the intolerance. Something that should bring people together, teach us about how to love one another, does nothing but tear us apart. Maybe it's just organised religion I can't understand? I often wonder if we just did away with Churches such as they are if the world wouldn't be a better place? I dunno, I'm just a chick who sometimes thinks too hard about things she shouldn't. And this chick is now tired of typing so I'm done. Finis. Ciao!

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